
The storm has arrived. God protect the Masses whose lifestyles are about to dramatically change

Don’t Worry Be Klaus Schwab Happy, Biden Claiming Rush on Border Only "Chaotic For A While”

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By —— Bio and Archives May 11, 2023

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Destined to go down in history as the most outrageous understatement of the 21st Century: The U.S. southern border with Mexico will be "chaotic for a while”-President Joe Biden, May 9, 2023.

“Chaotic for a while” could be translated to forever with Biden and the Democrats in charge of Immigration.

Migrants, mostly males of military age, have overwhelmed the southern border in spite of the 1,500 active-duty troops having arrived on site, weeks before pandemic-era restrictions expire in the shut-down of former President Donald Trump’s Title 42, coming to a gate-crashing end today.

Chaotic For A While

Yet this president, in reality Barack Obama’s 3rd term in office, claims that the White House was working to make the transition “orderly”.

"But it remains to be seen," he told reporters. "It’s going to be chaotic for a while.” (Fox News, May 11, 2023.)

So it’s D-Day at the border as migrants from all over the world are being trucked in by huge, top-of-the-line luxury buses that because some of the migrants being transported are infected with DRUG-RESISTANT Tuberculosis, Clayton Morris over at Redacted calls: “TuberCuBusses.”

They’re being handed free Smart Phones upon arrival before going on to squat in ready-made ‘Tent Cities”, including New York City’s Central Park; Teenage girls in their midst are provided with “Rape Kits”.

Other than Clayton Morris and boots-on-the-ground Michael Yon, the mainstream and social media seem to be fast asleep during this latest crisis.

“More than 900 additional soldiers, Marines and airmen will follow around the end of May, and roughly 2,500 National Guard members are already spread across all sectors of the border.” (Fox News)

Nothing being done to date by the Biden administration in preparation to meet the crisis are stopping loss of life:

‘4 killed in U.S.-Mexico border shootout’ CGTN, May 11, 2023.

“Four people were killed after heavy gunfire erupted near a key U.S.-Mexico border crossing on Wednesday, local police said.
“The shootout between cartel members and Mexican armed forces happened at around 1:30 p.m. and left four people dead on the Mexican side of the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge, according to Hidalgo Police Chief Romero Rodriguez.”

Massive Caravan About To Hit US, White House Won’t Take The Call

It’s not as if the Biden admin had no warning about the border about to be overrun by migrants:

‘Breaking: Guatemala’s President Warns Massive Caravan About To Hit US, WH Won’t Take The Call (FEEDS NORTH, May 11, 2023)

“The Biden administration’s decision to end Title 42 is causing a crisis at the US-Mexico border as over 80,000 migrants from Venezuela are heading to the border.
“This news was revealed by US Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, who had a conversation with the president of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei.”
“Title 42 was put in place during the 2020 pandemic to expel hundreds of thousands of migrants quickly and protect the US from the Covid-19 virus. But now, with the expiration of Title 42 on May 11, droves of migrants are expected to arrive at the border, believing they have a better chance of being admitted into the US.
“Biden and his team have warned that penalties will be stiffened for those who enter the country illegally, and they are encouraged to use expanded legal pathways instead. But this message hasn’t stopped migrants from trying to sneak into the US.
“On Monday, the Biden administration launched a “targeted enforcement operation” in El Paso, Texas, to process and possibly deport illegal immigrants. Agents and officers from Customs and “Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) woke up illegal immigrants camped on the sidewalks in downtown El Paso, handing them pamphlets urging them to turn themselves in to CBP.
“Migrants are also lined up along the border in Brownsville, Texas, nearly 800 miles south of El Paso. In one video, a group of several hundred migrants are seen illegally crossing the border, with more coming.

US border crisis is escalating and the Biden administration is responsible

“The Biden administration has deployed 1,500 troops to the border and established migrant processing centers across Latin America, as well as a deal with Mexico to take back non-Mexican illegal immigrants. The Department of Homeland Security has also distributed $332 million in funding to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and local governments to help migrants who are released from custody. (FEEDS NORTH)
“Despite these efforts, the US border crisis is escalating and the Biden administration is responsible. President Giammattei tried to call the White House on the matter but nobody would take his calls. This is a clear sign that the Biden administration is not taking the situation seriously, which is why migrants are still trying to enter the US illegally.
“The US cannot handle the influx of illegal immigrants and will be overwhelmed. The Biden administration needs to take more decisive action to stem the tide before it becomes too late. The US should strengthen its border security forces and increase its efforts to deport illegal immigrants. It should also ensure that the legal pathways are made more accessible to migrants in order to reduce the incentive of entering the US illegally.
“As it stands, the US is facing a critical situation and the Biden administration needs to take immediate action to address the problem. Otherwise, the influx of illegal immigrants will only continue to grow and the US won’t be able to cope with the consequences.

Millions of Americans will be impacted by today’s official shutdown of Title 42

“U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said on Twitter Monday that his agents had stopped about 8,800 migrants a day over a three-day period. That was up from about 5,200 a day in March. (FOX NEWS, May 10, 2023)

"Even with the COVID-19 asylum restrictions still in place, the administration has seen record numbers of people crossing the border.
“The U.S. is putting new policies in place to clamp down on illegal crossings while offering migrants a legal path to the U.S. if they apply online through a government app, have a sponsor and pass background checks.
"The border is not open," Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said last week. "It has not been open, and it will not be open subsequent to May 11. And the smugglers who exploit vulnerable migrants are spreading misinformation. They are spreading false information, lies in a way to lure vulnerable people to the southern border and those individuals will only be returned."

Meanwhile, the lives of millions of Americans will be impacted by today’s official shutdown of Title 42—the result of one government holding office doing everything possible to shutdown the return of Donald Trump.

And the danger hanging over the heads of the public at large, who are not allowed to have their say, and because of strict government/big Tech media censorship in place, any independent media who dare to report on it, continue to be effectively suppressed.

The storm has arrived. God protect the Masses whose lifestyles are about to dramatically change.

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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com.

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