
The lock down is a useful tool for power-crazed Democrats.

‘Digi-Coup': Putting Lipstick On A Pig

‘Digi-Coup': Putting Lipstick On A PigAs the pandemic that locked down the world plays out at an excruciating slow pace, the Democrats are making away with the pandemic-beleaguered 2020 presidential election. No longer having to put themselves out on public view where all their warts and wrinkles will show, Democrats—starting with Joe Biden—no longer stand before the electorate in the flesh, but have managed to hide themselves by going completely digital!
Their presumptive presidential candidate is running the race digitally from the basement of his Delaware home—safe from the boos and jeers of a town hall-like settings, unwanted citizen questions or accidental media vetting of any kind. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have officially endorsed Biden—digitally. A digital Michelle Obama is both intended and destined to go viral with a message from a Netflix documentary telling a locked down audience: ”I love and miss you all”, on May 6. (Canada Free Press, April 27, 2020) In the real world, roughly 50% of the American citizenry don’t really miss or love Michelle Obama. What the Dems are doing now is far more effective than the FBI-led coup d’état in which they failed to prove that “The Russians stole the election”—because , in construct, it is fail proof. Call it ‘Digi-Coup, The Live Streaming of America’ in an election where even dead people will get to mail their votes in. The 2016 presidential debates between candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton—including the one where Clinton had the questions given to her in advance by DNC chair Donna Brazile, now a Fox News “contributor”, are passé.

Digital is forever—unless of course you cross the digital Demi-gods, Google, Facebook and Twitter

While the media world bought into Barack Obama “Resistance” leader, fomenting for revolution from a mansion within walking distance of a President Donald Trump-held White House, Obama managed to come up with the biggest “Resistance” of them all—providing a digital presence for all of his top activists—including his overbearing wife, his fumbling former vice president, and handpicked 2016 candidate, Hillary Clinton. All can patently ignore the Tara Reade scandal as though it never happened because they’ve all been Obama awarded the “can’t-catch-me!” escapism of digital. Digital is forever—unless of course you cross the digital Demi-gods, Google, Facebook and Twitter and are ever so conveniently de-platformed and silenced. Then your resistance is gone within the blink of an eye. “Next?” Six months out from election day, and electioneering by strictly digital is well on its way home. The digital world is getting to be as contagious as the pandemic keeping us hunkering down in our homes: “On Monday afternoon, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., will host a virtual town hall for the Biden campaign with African American leaders, and on Monday evening, Dr. Jill Biden will host a virtual LGBTQ+ Social Hour.” (Deadline, April 27, 2020)

"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig”

Isn’t life fun when there’s no one to throw eggs at when you’ve become completely and utterly digital. Still telltale little details can be seen by savvy reporters like Cristina Laila over at Gateway Pundit: Obama, Cristina, that’s who’s got all the lipstick tubes. It was Obama who said on Sept. 9 2008: "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.”

Biden’s a reincarnation of stuttering Max Headroom

Biden’s a reincarnation of stuttering Max Headroom Now let’s take a close look at what Obama’s lipstick did for slicked-back hair, shades-wearing Joe Biden: You can see by these photos that Biden’s a reincarnation of stuttering Max Headroom.
“Max Headroom is a fictional artificial intelligence (AI) character, known for his wit and stuttering, electronically altered voice. He was introduced in early 1985. The character was created by George Stone, Annabel Jankel, and Rocky Morton. Max was portrayed by Matt Frewer and was called "the first computer-generated TV personality”, although the computer-generated appearance was achieved with an actor in prosthetic make-up and harsh lighting, in front of a blue screen.” (Wikipedia)
Before morphing into Max Headroom, Biden had always followed in the footsteps of his boss Barack Obama as an unvetted-by-media Artful Dodger. Don’t expect to get back to work until after November 3, 2020, when there may be no work left to which to return. The lock down is a useful tool for power-crazed Democrats.

Pope Francis Calls for ‘Obedience’ to State Lockdowns

Pope Francis Calls for ‘Obedience’ to State Lockdowns Even the Pope is in on the act: “ROME — Pope Francis urged obedience to state lockdown measures Tuesday, just 36 hours after Italian bishops reproached the government for refusing to allow public worship. “At this time, as indications emerge for a way out of quarantine, we pray that the Lord will grant us the grace of prudence and obedience to these indications, so that the pandemic does not return,” the pontiff said in a daily tweet.” (Breitbart, April 28, 2020) “Meanwhile, there’s no way of escaping the Digital Dems as long as the coronavirus lock down drags on—or their smarmy streamed message that Michelle Obama and Joe Biden only want to hug and love you.” (Canada Free Press, April 27, 2020)

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.