
CFP Poetry online

Diane Poem

My beloved Diane, blessed with beauty, brains and grace that cause grown men's hearts to beat, skip and race. With her many attributes, gifts and talents, she has never once seeked fortune nor fame, remaining ever humble, for, ego is not in her game.
Never naughty, never bold, possessing a heart of pure gold. ever ready and willing to assist the needy the young and the old. Pure of mind, body,spirit and soul and a warm heart that never runs cold. Whose compassion for the sick and needy cannot be purchased, bought or sold. For, you see, she is the author of the book of love, and her ideals and humanity are as pristine, pure and as white as the driven snow and dove of peace, so, as you read each chapter and verse we will better learn and understand how to better dialogue and converse with each other For, Diane, you have taught us all the fine art of compassion and respect for our fellow human beings and how to treat one another with love when it comes to push and shove. For, My beloved Diane, you will ever remain, my one and only true love." Written by Joseph P. Martino

Joseph P. Martino -- Bio and Archives

Joseph P. Martino has authored over 165 quotes and poems.  He was born 9-17-37 in Staten Island, NY, spent his Army tour in Korea, and then served as a New York State Peace Officer for 32 years. He has developed many innovations which include safety and fire prevention devices, suggestions on how to reduce teen violence and medical and prescription reform, etc.

Johnny Carson played with his patented practice baseball bat on the show.  Two pro baseball teams experimented with his practice bats and a pro football team used his ankle exerciser. athletic teams use his motivational quotations.

Martino played army and semi-pro baseball, along with other sports.  He and his inventions have been featured in Associated Press and Sports Illustrated. He has traveled to over 45 countries.  His quotes and poems are published worldwide.