
'Slow walking' the scandal...

Despite subpoenas, Congress only received new Benghazi emails two weeks ago

Despite promising to implement across-the-board transparency and pledging to limit the power of the Executive branch, President Obama has done neither. He pretty much just does as he pleases and tells you about it only if he's forced to. As a result, one of the big left-wing narratives is that Obama is trying - desperately - to cooperate, but he has to do whatever he wants because evil Congressional Republicans won't "cooperate" with him.
So how does that claim square with this report from left-leaning news site The Daily Beast, which accuses the administration of "slow walking" the Benghazi scandal?
The Daily Beast has learned that these latest emails were only provided to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform two weeks ago, despite requests from the committee for such material that date back to August 2013. The committee received them on April 17, the same day they were received by Judicial Watch. “Even as Congressional Democrats were calling for an end to the Benghazi investigation with false claims that everything had been turned over and examined, the State Department was hiding this e-mail and other documents covered by the Committee’s August 2013 subpoena,” the committee’s deputy staff director, Frederick Hill told The Daily Beast.
Hill added, “It is disturbing that this highly important e-mail showing a White House role in pushing a false narrative was only turned over after it was discovered by the Department’s FOIA office in response to a specific request. While he had promised cooperation, by hiding subpoenaed documents from Congress, Secretary Kerry is failing to meet his legal obligations. In other words, the administration and its allies were so busy with their CYA maneuver that they decided to ignore congressional inquiries for as long as they could. If Judicial Watch hadn't taken the matter to court, they would have hidden these emails forever. The FOIA lawsuit was just the straw that broke the camel's crooked back. Remember, they'd already told everyone that the complete archive of emails regarding the creation of the talking points had been released last May. They also claimed that the "YouTube video" lies originated within the intelligence community and did not come from within the President's own political sphere. Everyone always assumed this was not the case, but now - despite the administration's effort to cover it up - we have tangible evidence of ongoing, systemic, lies and obstruction in regards to Benghazi. ...and if left-wing outlets like the Daily Beast can't deny it, no one can. Ok, ok, fine. I'm sure he will still probably deny it but he's, y'know, completely insane...

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