
Mob tactics from the Democrat Party....

Democrats send threatening letters to possible non-voters ...Tony Soprano-style

On Halloween, we all like to be frightened - at least a little. However, this year, the scares are coming to us courtesy of Democrats and a series of letters they've decided to send to potential non-voters. The New York State Democratic Committee wants you to know that it knows who you are, where you live, and it will be very, very, very disappointed if you don't vote.
It reads:
"Dear _______ Our records indicate that you are registered to vote in Kings County. Who you vote for is your secret. But whether or not you vote is public record. Many organizations monitor turnout in your neighborhood and are disappointed by the inconsistent voting of many of your neighbors.
Here is some information you may need to vote: The polls are open from 6am to 9pm. You can confirm your voter registration by visiting [a website] If you have any questions about voting, please call [telephone number] We will be reviewing Kings County official voting records after the upcoming election to determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014. If you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not."
The whole thing reads eerily like a threatening speech from Goodfellas, The Godfather, or The Sopranos. "We would be very upset to learn that you did not fulfil your obligation to the family. ....You don't want to upset us do you?" In fact, check out this clip from The Sopranos which nicely recaps the Dems' missive: Now, we wouldn't want you to think this whole thing is too surreal - too impossibly, insanely, weird - to be true. We know you're probably saying "No political party would be that blatant. No political operative would ever authorize such crazy strong-arm tactics." Since we don't want you to doubt the severity of the Democrats' threat, we have a picture of the letter that was posted on Twitter by musician, singer, and well know songwriter, Jonathan Coulton:
I think the Democrats just threatened me: pic.twitter.com/wGvYInosk5
I'd say this is amazing, but considering state of the modern Democrat party, it's pretty much par for the course. If you're a Republican, you should definitely make sure you vote Tuesday. If you're a Democrat, feel free to stay home. ...But if you do, please remember: Don't open your door on November 5th. There might be some kind of Organizing for Action goon out there with a baseball bat. ....And he'll be "disappointed" in you.

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