
Relentlessly undermining the conservative movement in the state of Illinois

Democrats running the GOP: Roger Claar

Relentlessly undermining the conservative movement in this state at every turn are a small handful of bought-and-paid-for liberal impostors at the very top of the GOP who openly work for the other side. These are the people who just illegally sabotaged conservative reformers across the state with an outrageous last-minute assault on the party election process (as I noted here).
This time we look at Roger Claar (also, click here for Angelo Saviano and here for Jack Dorgan). Claar has a lengthy record of donating to the campaigns of liberal Democrats, such as Terrence O'Brien, Jay Hoffman and Louis Viverito. He also once donated money to an extremely liberal group that gets left-wing candidates elected...with the express intent of promoting the stronger (and more ultra-liberal) candidate, Jerry Bennett. Additionally, Champion News notes:
He was one of the founding contributors to George Ryan's legal defense fund and remained a staunch defender of his friend until the very end. When Ryan was convicted on all counts in 2006, Claar reserved all of his vitriol for the jury.
Again, this person has absolutely no business even calling himself a Republican, let alone issuing arbitrary edicts to actual conservatives from on high, in open defiance of the law. His opponent in the March 3rd election (13th District--Cook, Will and Dupage Counties) is Pete LaBarbera. Robert Moon’s is the publisher of the right-wing underground blog

Guest Column Robert Moon -- Bio and Archives

Items of notes and interest from the web.