
Hey Dems, talking to Tucker is not in your best interest. Keep it up.

Democrat Rep. bringing illegal to Trump's speech explains his desire to perpetuate an underpaid serf class

Earlier today, I discussed Democrat plans to make illegal immigrants their guests at tonight's Donald Trump's kinda-sorta State of the Union address. It's a stupid move, one that's almost guaranteed to backfire and, if Republicans are smart, they'll use it to their advantage. Dems can't see that. It appears that they haven't yet learned their identity-politics lesson, so they're going to go through with the plan.
The left just can't help itself. As we all know, the eventual goal is to create a new bloc of Democrat voters. To do that the left must first flood the country with impoverished, underpaid, workers - a new victim-class of serfs - that they can later exploit. Never have I head this plan laid out as clearly as it was by Representative Rep Jared Polis (D-CO). He made the mistake of appearing on yesterday's installment of "Tucker Carlson Tonight," where he fared about as well as previous lefties. ...In other words, he was demolished and he exposed the left's real goals in the process. Enjoy. I honestly worry that, one day, liberals are going to wise-up and refuse to appear on Carlson's show. I'd hate to see that happen, because it's so much fun watching them defeat their own arguments.

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