
Spread the truth, and watch them tell another lie to try to cover it, till their credibility is totally gone.

Defeating Socialism

From the late-1950s through the mid-1960s while serving in Navy Intelligence Service, a wise old Air Force General told me to defeat Socialism you must start at "defeet", that’s where the brains are.
Dictators and dictator wannabes are basically isolated from all but those who stoke their egos, and in reality are pulling the strings behind the scenes. All are selected, tutored and scripted. Their actions and words are controlled and limited by their puppet masters. The puppet must always parrot the words of the puppet masters or under the bus he goes. The information the puppet receives is carefully screened, numbers are fudged so that it appears all is well, the choir sings his praises, awards and honors are bought and bestowed upon him. To combat this we must expose the corruption, the lies and the downright stupidity of those the puppet has surrounded himself with, chip away the feet (defeet) of the monster and it cannot stand. Van Jones is the first chip that fell, ACORN soon followed. With the light of truth being spread on the internet, talk radio, Fox News and a few other outlets not in the pocket of the Administration, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Murtha, Kerry, Biden, Frank, Rangle and others that have been mouthing the Socialist policies are becoming household jokes. Ridicule makes them desperate and their deception more transparent. In some cases we can infiltrate, and find out what goes on behind the closed doors, we can follow the money trail and expose the corruption. In most cases when the Socialists are in control, even when corruption is exposed they do nothing about it. But we who are not mesermised must keep the corruption, the lies and ridicule of the Administration on the front page. Spread the truth, and watch them tell another lie to try to cover it, till their credibility is totally gone. Yes, we can defeet Socialism and take our country back and undo the damage they have done thus far. It is so gratifying that so many Patriots who were sleeping have finally awakened. We may not be able to remove all the Socialists in Congress in 2010, but I believe we can remove enough of them to weaken them sufficiently they that they can no longer shove Socialism down our throats.

Marion Valentine -- Bio and Archives

Marion A. Valentine U.S. Navy Intelligence/Cryptologist (disabled)