
Adam Schiff! Masterfully leading astray the anti-Trumpers and his Party’s faithful

Deception and the false case for impeachment

Deception and the false case for impeachmentWhat does it say about our country, when one political Party, the Democratic Party, deeply involved with the corruption in Ukraine, uses it as part of their effort to try and discredit the other Party’s candidate for President and then President, particularly after he begins to look into such corruption? Getting a majority in the House of Representatives, this Party, with zero support from the minority Party, voted in December to recommend to the Senate the President’s removal from office, and this week spent four days on national television making their case for his removal to the US Senate.

Adam Schiff Masterfully leading astray the anti-Trumpers and his Party’s faithful

Even worse, though, this recommendation for removal, commonly called Impeachment (as we all are quite aware of), is at the same time being used to aid in the re-election of a Democrat to the White House, particularly Joe Biden, who has been deeply involved in that corruption and was even President Obama’s point man for everything Ukraine. There is nothing in regard to Ukraine that President Trump has done, in fact, even been accused of, that begins to rise to the level of malfeasance by Democrats, their national organization (the DNC), and the man they want in the White House. And who rises to the top of the Democrats’ political dogpile on Trump? None other than the most dishonest man in the House of Representatives, Adam Schiff! Masterfully leading astray the anti-Trumpers and his Party’s faithful, including the media, he now has one-third or more of the country angrily joining in the effort to remove the President from office and/or remove him from being a candidate for President in this November’s election. If Schiff’s deception is so readily received by so many people, and now, even praised by them, what, if we can’t stop it here, is the next level of deception to come from someone even more devious and more harmful to our nation?

Rolf Yungclas -- Bio and Archives

Rolf Yungclas is a recently retired newspaper editor from southwest Kansas who has been speaking out on the issues of the day in newspapers and online for over 15 years