
The system of private property is the most important guaranty of freedom

Deborah Madill Elected President of Ontario Landowners Association (OLA)

The Board of Directors of the Ontario Landowners Association (OLA) is pleased to announce the election of Deborah Madill as President. The election took place at the Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Landowners Association in Bracebridge on Saturday October 16, 2010. Carey-Anne Oke-Cook was selected as Vice-President. Both Deborah and Carey-Anne are founding members of the Muskoka Landowners Association (MLA).
Deborah has a strong and true vision for the OLA and with her valuable business and organizational skills and experience the members are confident that she will live up to the leadership accomplishments of past Presidents Jack MacLaren and Randy Hiller. “Big Boots to fill I know”, she said “but I will be asking for and relying on lots of help and support from Jack and all landowner members”. “I am a huge believer in the power of good communication and invite landowner members and all interested people to contact me to discuss both the OLA and private landowner rights”. “The system of private property is the most important guaranty of freedom, not only for those who own property, but (even) those who do not..” (Friedrich August Hayek b 1899 – d 1992)

Ontario Landowners Association -- Bio and Archives

The Ontario Landowners Association shall defend and promote the principal of strong local governments, democracy, and natural justice and represent the interests of the rural community.

For Rural Ontario to survive, Property Rights and judicial reform must be enshrined into law at all three levels of Government, these being; Federal, Provincial, and Municipal.


Rural Ontario is under systematic attack by government bureaucracy and false environmentalism.


The Ontario Landowners have and will continue to expose and meet these threats with determination and resolve in the court of public opinion.