
This is your one and only opportunity to be the rational voice, knowing in your heart that Joe was never going to be POTUS

Dear Jill Biden...

Dear Jill Biden...You hold the key to not only the future safety of Joe, Hunter, and the entire Biden family, but of equal importance, a life or death sentence for an untold number of your fellow Americans. Today, you have the opportunity to convince Joe that it would be in his best interest, and that of your family, to concede from the election before January 6th. As you are well aware, January 6, 2021 will be a day of great distinction in the United States of America, wherein Congress will be given the opportunity to legally designate Donald Trump as President for the next four years. But, there is also a very good possibility that a corrupt Congress will vote in favor of Joe Biden, thinking that by doing so will be to their personal benefit. It will not. President Trump has already stated that this election fraud will not stand and is drawing the line in the sand. The President now has the legal framework in place to justify invoking the Insurrection Act with a massive military response to this stolen election. This could well be the spark that ignites a full blown civil war, and you, and only you, have the power to stop this madness and potential unnecessary loss of lives.

Peace be with you, Jill Biden. This is your hour

Please know that you will not be alone, Jill. There are literally millions of patriotic Americans who will support you, knowing that your husband Joe was put into this no-win-position of attempting to fraudulently steal the presidential election. This is your one and only opportunity to be the rational voice, knowing in your heart that Joe was never going to be POTUS. It’s time for you to do the most courageous thing imaginable. As a matter of fact, Jill Biden, you may have been born and raised for this one-defining-moment in American history, as the women who stood up and said— “Enough!" All you need to do is tell-Joe-that-he-must-concede and then pick up the phone and talk with President Donald Trump and discuss, with the man who wrote “The Art of The Deal”, where you, Joe, Hunter, and the Biden family are potentially given the opportunity to walk-off-into-the-sunset, knowing that you would have saved the lives of so many people who were told by the media that Joe won and Trump stole it from him, which you know is untrue. Peace be with you, Jill Biden. This is your hour. The American people stand with you and will forever be grateful for your courage.

Fredy Lowe -- Bio and Archives

Fredy Lowe served proudly in the United States Marine Corps and the New York City Police Department (NYPD). He has been a citizen journalist for over twelve (12) years writing for Canada Free Press, Before It’s News, Conservative News & Views, Ammoland, The Post & Mail, and others.

He and his wife Pat, now of 53 years, are the proud parents of two grown children and six grandchildren. Fredy prays daily for the safety of our Armed Forces, for our Police Officers, but especially now for our country during this extremely volatile period of time in our nation’s history, and wants you to know that Jesus is Real! And, that your prayers to Him can make all the difference in the world. Thank you.