
Civil dance obedience

Dancing With Wolves (in Sheep’s Clothing)

Hey, kids! What are you doing this weekend? There's a cool event going on this Saturday, June 4th at the Jefferson Memorial. Everyone is planning to meet and dance at the memorial. They did it last weekend to let "the man" know that no one can tell us when and where we can peacefully dance. It's called "civil dance obedience"! Several protesters were arrested doing this last weekend and video shows some rough treatment. This seems unfair! None of us are against dancing, are we, and none of us want to see unnecessary force used. Shouldn't we all turn up Saturday and dance?
Not so much. As with so many of these seemingly innocent events promoting freedom, there is more to this story and you might find yourself dancing with wolves in sheep's clothing. Here are just a few reasons to consider who your potential dance partners are: -First of all, Americans probably don't need to fear having their right to dance taken away. There is a law that prohibits demonstrations within the memorial to preserve a reverent atmosphere for reflection and the group was well aware of it. The Tenth Amendment Center explained it as follows:
Courts consider memorials and monuments "nonpublic forums", meaning they are not traditionally open for public debate, or dedicate to policy or public discourse. The judge's ruling follows Supreme Court precedent establishing that the government "has the power to preserve the property for the purpose to which it is lawfully dedicated." As long as restrictions on expression don't favor or disfavor any particular group, they are generally allowed.
They were warned to stop and chose not to. They did not have a permit for a protest. They were clearly provoking an incident. Many would suggest that excessive force was used and that is being addressed by the U.S. Park Police, as it should be. However,if their real intent was to protest that law, why are they not going through the legal channels to try to get the law changed as a first step? It is hard to believe that this is anything more than rallying various unrelated groups together for publicity. That should be quite useful for future organizing efforts. After all, didn't Alinksy say that "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."? -Who exactly is joining this effort? When looking into it, you will find it is a strange mix of people from fringe groups including We Are Change, Ron Paulers, Alex Jones fans, David Icke fans, Truthers and more. Here is what Lew Rockwell had to say about it:
It reminds me of how much I despise the monuments in DC. They're all pagan temples to the goddess USA and her various divinized emperors. Jefferson's makes him a Roman godling. Washington's honors the Egyptian sun god Ra. Lincoln's portrays him as Jupiter. The Capitol is another temple, complete with a painting of the apotheosis of George in the ceiling of the rotunda. The Supreme Court is a pagan temple, too. Protesters will always be brutalized in the capital of the world police state.
The fact that this is led by Code Pink's Medea Benjamin and Russia TodayTV's Adam Kokeshshould be reason enough for pause. Medea is well known for her stance against Israel and support of the Gaza flotilla, along with old friends Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Adam Kokesh has worked with Code Pink since at least 2007, and much more can be found about his very questionable past from Cliff Kincaid and Michelle Malkin's previous posts on his radical activities. -The same people who are bringing you this dance party also happen to be very much involved in anti-Israel movement, as shown on the Washington DC We Are Change meetup site. Here is how they described last Saturday's event before it took place:
How to find us: Can't miss us! This is a freedom action doubleheader! Start at the Newseum speaking truth to power especially speaking out against the Zionist American-Israeli Political Action Committee's undue influence on our government in support of Code Pink. Then we'll make our way to the Jefferson Memorial to silently dance in defiance of recent banning of dancing in the memorial.
They happen to be sponsored by the 9-11 truther site truth-march.net, where you can view videos by such leftist,pro-Palestinian flotilla organizers as Bernardine Dohrn. Is it clear yet that this has very little to do with a "right to dance"? It is likely that many who might consider participating are sincere in thinking they are guarding our freedoms and unaware of everyone behind this effort, but that's exactly why we need to look closer at events like this before jumping in uninformed. There is an old saying, "Dance with the one who brung you." It seems applicable in this case to ask if the people bringing us the weekend dance protests are the people anyone really wants to align with as dance partners.

Michelle Horstman -- Bio and Archives

Michelle Horstman is a small business owner, artist and mother of three in Texas. Michelle also writes for NewsRealBlog and her personal blog can be found at Benfranklinslepthere.blogspot.com </em>