
Stand up and fight against the racist dumbing down of our children

What is Critical Race Theory (CRT) and what should you know about it?

Critical Race Theory is moving across the countryCritical Race Theory believes in and teaches the following principles:
  • "Any individual by virtue of his or her race or sex, IS inherently racist, sexist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously."
  • "An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex.”
  • ”If you are white, you are an oppressor. If you are black, you are oppressed.

Critical Race Theory is based in Marxism and is now taking over our school systems around the country

  • If you are white and won’t admit you are racist, you are racist by implicit bias. To reduce implicit bias you must self criticize, confess to privilege, and apologize to the oppressed race.
  • Whiteness is a belief in, among other things, achievement, delayed gratification, progress, schedules and deadlines, mediocracy, race blindness, the written word, facts and objectives, logic and reason, lived experience, mathematics and science.
(Therefore stating that all other races are incapable of having, wanting or needing these qualities to succeed. They must be GIVEN help in order to succeed in life.) These policies of CRT are actually being taught around the country to children as young as third grade. It is time for all parents and people to stand up and fight against these marxist principles being forced into our public schools. They call this policy, EQUITY, but it is anything but. Critical Race Theory is based in Marxism and is now taking over our school systems around the country. Here is a video of parent’s in Loudoun County, Virginia reading excerpts from new books introduced under CRT: Shocking!

Under these new CRT policies, there will be no more Advanced degrees, AP classes or International Baccalaureate. There will no longer be any gifted programs or college level courses in grades K-12. Now, every student will learn at the level of the weakest link in their class. Virginia explores plan to end advanced diplomas: 'Equitably serving the needs...of all of Virginia learners' -- Fox News

National Museum of African American History and Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of “whiteness.”

Below, through the approval of the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum of African American History and Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of “whiteness.” National Museum of African American History and Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whitenessHillsdale College has written a great article explaining Critical Race Theory. If you are outraged at this blatant attempt to destroy our constitution and our God given rights, please fight by contacting your National representatives, your state representatives, your County Board, and your School Board. We pay their salaries and decide what will be taught to our children. It is NOT the governments job or responsibility. If you are outraged at this blatant attempt to destroy our constitution and our God given rights, please fight by contacting your National representatives, your state representatives, your County Board, and your School Board. We pay their salaries and decide what will be taught to our children. It is NOT the governments job or responsibility.

To achieve equal outcomes, you cannot have equal right

Justice is about equal rights, but social justice or equity is about equal outcomes. To achieve equal outcomes, you cannot have equal rights. If we allow CRT to teach separatism, then expect less understanding. If we don’t understand each other then we have misunderstanding. From misunderstanding comes hostility and from hostility comes violence. Look at Seattle and Portland. Is this who we want to become? Stand up and fight against the racist dumbing down of our children. If you would like to get involved in the state of Virginia, or within Prince William County, please email us at: StopCRTnow@gmail.com

Leigh Bravo -- Bio and Archives

Leigh Bravo works in the Hospitality and Marketing Industry.  Leigh considers herself a concerned citizen interested in reaching those people who may not be aware of the entire truth. Leigh is happily married and a mother of three looking towards a better future for her kids. Leigh also writes for thetrumpet.me