
Biden's SOTU: His intention to “Finish the Job.” What he obviously meant was the intention to sink the republic and “Finish US Off”

Criminal correlations – Biden-Lula; GA fraud fail coloring AZ coup narrative

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon, Pool)

There are two prongs to the election fraud narrative that has engulfed and intertwined two of the largest nations in the western hemisphere – Brazil and the United States.

Both countries are swamped with mirrored behavior by installed heads of state: Lula as a convicted criminal released by a corrupt judiciary for the express purpose of stealing Brazil’s presidency; and Biden whose criminal (arguably treasonous) connections were covered up by the media to march him into the Oval Office.

Neither candidate bothered to conduct credible campaigns for office, spending most of the time leading up to their respective elections hiding from the public while both populations demonstrated overwhelming support for their opponents, turning out by the multitudes at rallies. Hundreds of thousands showed up week after week to support President Trump, and millions filled the streets of Brazil to back President Bolsonaro.

Engineered Power Grabs

Yet years later for Trump and months later for Bolsonaro, both individuals have been tarred as the criminals by compromised press and administrative states. They’re hounded by suborned law enforcement, which, in Bolsonaro’s case, forced him to leave Brazil for proper healthcare before becoming a political prisoner for championing fraud-free elections. Trump has had to weather illicit searches of his home and tax returns in attempts to manufacture crimes that block him from again running for high office.

The cross-border efforts of globalist-backed puppets Lula and Biden to project their illegitimate claims on the populist leaders has gone so far as to seek Bolsonaro’s ejection from the United States, a move that could relegate him to a (probably foreshortened) life behind Brazilian prison bars. The Obama-now-Biden administration has worked overtime trying to neutralize Trump with fabricated impeachment trials and business scandals.

If the people of both nations have anything to say about these engineered power grabs, which are ultimately tied to Chinese Communist Party and World Economic Forum meddling (all tentacles lead back to their election/energy/economic interference), the railroading will be blocked.

But there’s more to the election fraud narrative in the United States that involves two gubernatorial contests on either side of the nation: Georgia and Arizona.

Twice-vanquished Stacey Abrams had not let-up asserting that she won the statehouse in Georgia in 2018, creating an unbelievable claim that she still couldn’t overcome in 2022’s second try.

Manipulated elections by dishonest officials in order to wrest control from the citizens 

Abrams’ absurd allegation laid the foundation for an erroneous argument for Katie Hobbs’ to illegitimately lay claim to the governor’s seat of Arizona.

By applying the incongruent facts regarding real fraud in both states (though any amount of fake votes could not sully Governor Kemp’s win), the wayward media and corrupt election officials managed to create a strange correlation of Abrams’ knowingly false claim with Kari Lake’s evidence-backed complaint of a stolen election. (The URL for Lake’s attorney, Kurt Olsen’s presentation of the facts apparently can’t be reached. By design?)

Don’t think the two scenarios are unrelated, because both come down to manipulated elections by dishonest officials in order to wrest control from the citizens of the two crucial economies in the New World.

The illicit “victories” of unelectable (if they were, they’d have presided over enormous crowds at campaign events like their challengers) candidates furthers the agenda of usurpers that seek to quell all opposition. Every court opinion that sidelines election integrity cases, most for inconsistent and unconstitutional rulings that plaintiffs, i.e. legal voters, lack standing, allows unaccountable administrators to inflict backbreaking policies upon their respective citizens.

This is happening in the United States and Brazil. The shared agenda was plainly defined in a joint statement from Biden and Lula released February 10, 2023 after Lula’s White House visit. The statement proclaims a hand-in-hand junta that denies energy, economic and religious independence to citizens of both countries. A classic example of “doublespeak,” every promise made has already been breached:

What has occurred in the United States and Brazil over the last few years are effectual coups d’état promulgated to empower state agencies

As leaders of the two largest democracies in the Americas, President Biden and President Lula pledged to work together to strengthen democratic institutions and welcomed the second Summit for Democracy to be held in March 2023. Both leaders noted they continue to reject extremism and violence in politics, condemned hate speech, and reaffirmed their intention to build societal resilience to disinformation, and agreed to work together on these issues. They discussed common objectives of advancing the human rights agenda through cooperation and coordination on such issues as social inclusion and labor rights, gender equality, racial equity and justice, and the protection of the rights of LGBTQI+ persons. They also committed to reinvigorating the U.S.-Brazil Joint Action Plan to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Promote Equality to mutually benefit marginalized racial, ethnic, and Indigenous communities, including people of African descent, in both countries.”

The statement is fraught with backhanded language that institutes racism and guts intellectual, religious, health and economic freedom. In other words, everything said to be protected is what is being trampled.

What has occurred in the United States and Brazil over the last few years are effectual coups d’état promulgated to empower state agencies that are neither duly elected or representative of the citizenry.

Biden repeated one phrase many times over in his State of the Union speech, February 7, 2023, that says it all – his intention to “Finish the Job.” What he obviously meant was the intention to sink the republic and “Finish US Off.”

A. Dru Kristenev -- Bio and Archives

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net.

ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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