
Real criminal justice reform, Entitlement reform, Entitlement reform, Education Reform


A Colorblind MeritocracyA few nights ago Tucker Carlson, in his opening monolog to this popular show on Fox News, gave America a slap in the face with a reality check. He outlined the fact that those of us on the right have not place to go other than the Republican Party when it comes to voting. His comments were stinging, if one was an elected member of the GOP. Carlson made it clear that there had been NO RESPONSE from any Republican to condemn Antifa or BLM for their despicable actions to destroy the history of this nation. There has been NO RESPONSE from any Republican in defense of those things that we, the country class, hold dear. Here is what Carlson said the Republican Party had to do to get his vote.
First, Republicans must come out in defense of a COLORBLIND MERITOCRACY. This means that no one is given privilege because of being born into the privileged classes of America. Second, Republicans must come out in STRONG DEFENSE OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The cancel culture must be called out. Public education and all institutions of higher learning must be called out specifically. People are getting fired, because they have opinions that may differ from those espoused by some radical, destructive mob. Ask me about intellectual diversity on college campuses. Third, Republicans must DEFEND THE INTERESTS OF THE MIDDLE CLASS IN AMERICA. The Republican Party has inherited the middle class, because the Democrats have abandoned that part of America and have built other coalitions by trying to band together those found through identity politics. The Republicans seemed confused and unable to handle any of these responsibilities. As Carlson points out, if these Republican elected officials cannot defend our interests, then they do not deserve our votes. What I have been looking for is the statements from my elected officials in Iowa and South Dakota on any of these topics. I have looked to see if Senators Grassley and Ernst have commented. Crickets. I have looked to see if any of the Republican nominees in the four congressional districts have come to the defense of our interests. Crickets. 
I have looked to see if there have been any defenses from the Governor of Iowa, the Lieutenant Governor of Iowa, the Secretary of State of Iowa or the Secretary of Agriculture in the State of Iowa. Crickets.

I have looked for comments from the Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa, the National Committeeman and the National Committeewoman. Crickets.
 I have looked for comments from Senators John Thune and Mike Rounds and Congressman Dusty Johnson. Crickets. 
Where is the courage to stand up to this insanity among those we sent to Washington and to Des Moines? Are they afraid of being called racists if they defend law enforcement, our freedom of speech, our fundamental principles of popular sovereignty and our belief in the rule of law rather than the rule of men? THEIR SILENCE IS CONSENT, and their behavior is feckless and despicable. As Carlson stated so eloquently, right now they do not deserve our votes. BTW, the only Republican to speak out on these issues is the one who was voted off the congressional island through the efforts of the Republican establishment. Go figure. 
If I missed something along the way, I am sure the readers of this newsletter will let me know. I hope we finally get some courage from our elected representatives, but I am not holding my breath

Lacking Honor

Are you as concerned about the character of our elected officials as I am? Do you not question from where they draw strength to make the tough decisions? Do you not worry that self-interest overrides our interests when they deliberate in legislative bodies or as “leaders” of the Republican Party?
 My experience in government was instructive. I was naïve to think that members of congress and political appointees would have a moral center that would be identifiable, even from a distance. I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed I was. Self-serving politics always overrode doing what was best for the country. Over time, I got the impression that very few of these folks really cared about the country or even their constituents. What they seemed to care about was which lobbyist was going to insure that a sizeable check was on its way to a PAC to ensure their re-election. Incumbency was more important than doing the right thing for America.

A Colorblind Meritocracy

Tucker Carlson laid out the agenda for this election season for the Republican Party. Unfortunately, the Republicans are our only hope to hold the line against those who wish to impose a communist economic system on our nation. Remember, in order to have a centrally planned economy (communism), there must be an authoritarian government. This means there can be no power in the states, cities, counties or anywhere else other than in the national government. All power will rest in the central government controlled by a single party. That is what the Democrats want to impose, and they are precariously close to pulling this whole thing off. What is it we have to do to deter these evil, dangerous and frightening people from eventuating this overthrow of our constitutional republic? 
We need the Republican Party to defend a colorblind meritocracy. What does this mean? 
It means that we do not have an aristocracy in this country. One is not entitled to anything unless one is able to achieve the American Dream through merit. The country needs to return to fairness. That is, our government needs to play by the same rules they impose on us. The government needs to ensure that there is no ruling aristocracy in this country. There can be no privilege simply because of whatever characteristics might have been given a “class” of people. WE ARE A NATION OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY just as Carlson implored. 
There is one irrefutable fact about education and poverty. If one is to break the bonds of poverty, then one must have more and better education. And where are the public education systems the worst? They are the worst inside our largest cities. And why are they so bad in our inner cities? It is because of the strangle hold public teacher unions have on the education systems in those jurisdictions. That’s right, I used the term strangle hold.

Let’s take a look at what is going on in most of our large cities. High school graduation rates have been increasing across the country. One would think that is a good thing, but such statistics would be misleading. Each state determines its own way of measuring graduation rates for each cadre. Thus, there is no standardized way to measure this vital statistic. Perhaps one should look at math and English proficiency rates. Ah, there’s the rub.
 In sampling proficiency rates in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia and Houston, one finds that proficiency rates in math and English run at 50% or less. In Detroit, for example, the proficiency rates run under 25% in most district schools. What one finds is that charter schools in these cities out perform the public schools by a wide margin. In New York, the waiting list for charter schools in predominately underserved (black and Hispanic) neighborhoods is over 50K. The administrators and teachers unions are having empty school buildings torn down rather than allowing expansion of school choice options in the city. Competition is an existential threat to public education in every metro area in America. There is one other fact readers need to know. Up to 40% of public school teachers in large cities send their own children to private schools. If public schools are so good, why is it so many teachers will not send their own kids to those very schools? 
Our nation cannot be a nation of equal opportunity until our politicians gain the courage to take on these terrible school situations from a national level. I am all for local control, but this is a civil rights issue. Let’s treat it that way. Dr. King would demand it.

The Real Racists

I am probably going to make some folks mad but the real racists in this country are those who wish to perpetuate a permanent underclass in this nation. Unfortunately, those folks are from both parties. The Democrats need the permanent underclass to gain and • maintain power. The Republicans give their consent to this because of their silence in dealing with these very difficult issues. 
Our Republicans need to address some uncomfortable subjects on top of following through on Carlson’s “litmus test.” Here are the issues about which the GOP must show “leadership:”

  • Education reform. School choice programs will save this nation and will make it a colorblind meritocracy. It’s a civil rights issue.

  • Mental health reform. Something must be done to help generations of people who are slipping through the cracks of society. In the 2016 campaign, this issue was the most difficult one we tried to take on. We simply could not get our arms around this topic. We tried, but we just did not have the resources.
  • Real criminal justice reform. Ask law enforcement folks about who they see come through their jails and what really needs to be done. This impacts race issues like nothing else outside of education reform.
  • Entitlement reform. Sooner or later, a Republican candidate or president will have to have the courage to lead on this issue. Entitlement reform would put the country on a much different trajectory concerning national deficits and debts.
That’s a pretty aggressive agenda for Republicans to follow. I doubt anyone will pick up the standard on any of these topics. I just don’t see the courage anywhere.

Dr. Sam Clovis -- Bio and Archives

Samuel H. Clovis, Jr., Doctor of Public Administration
Liston to Sam on LATalkRadio, Sundays: 1:00 to 3:00 PM (PST)
(Impact With Sam Clovis)

Sam Clovis was raised in Kansas and attended the United States Air Force Academy, serving for 25 years on active duty as a fighter pilot.  He retired as a Colonel and the Inspector General of NORAD and the United States Space Command.

Sam served as a Fellow at the Homeland Security Institute, contributing in national preparedness and immigration policy.  He recently served as a tenured full professor of economics at Morningside College.

Sam has a BS from the Academy, an MBA from Golden Gate University and a doctorate from the University of Alabama.  He served as national co-chair and chief policy advisor for the Trump for President Campaign, was a policy director during the transition period and served as the Senior White House Advisor to the US Department of Agriculture.  He currently lives in rural Iowa.