
Now available for iPad, Kindle, Nook, and the Sony eReader

Coup d’ etat

imageYour conventional coup d’ etat is the overthrow of a government by a military cabal. But that’s not what happened on April 2nd, 2009. On that day, the Bank for International Settlements, a secretive bank based in Basel, Switzerland, that had facilitated the financial workings of the Third Reich, carried out the most colossal coup in history – they took control of the central banks of planet Earth.
Central banks are the institutions in a country that print the money and control the interest rates. I know, I know, conspiracy and all that. But that, my friends, is exactly what happened. And that’s the story of Crisis by Design the Untold Story of the Global Financial Coup, the book I wrote on the financial crisis. It tells who did it, what they did and why they did it. This is not a book on (yawn) economics; it is the story of the planning and execution of the Global Financial Crisis for purposes I set forth in the book. The reason I am writing is because, besides paperback, hardback and pdf, the book is now available for iPad, Kindle, Nook, and the Sony eReader right here (link): This agenda is not over yet. If you want to know what really happened, why it happened and what you can do about it, you can now get the book for any of the digital readers. Enjoy.

Bruce Wiseman -- Bio and Archives

Bruce Wiseman is the co-founder of a company that oversees the business and financial affairs of some of the biggest names in Hollywood. He writes and speaks on matters of international finance and banking with particular attention to the oppressive activities of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Bruce has also been an advisor and consultant on the subject of market research, branding and positioning.

He writes a market research newsletter on market research and positioning for such publications as Government Technology and Hotel and Motel Management.