
There you have it. How corruption starts. In one single word it begins with - REELECTION!

Corruption in government will not stop until it is publicly identified

Sorry to have been out-of-commission for so long, but as advanced years descend more rapidly than a conservative thought by a liberal, they take their toll, more on my home life than I'd care to speak about. But hopefully, they haven't broken the love-for-America spirit in my heart and soul where the patriotic conservative still lives on. In fact, a post on the Internet a few days ago by a friend covering an article attributed to Bill Bennett, a proven conservative, when talking about presidential candidate, Donald Trump, that he, Trump, has been targeted by GOP RINO's along with liberal, socialist-communist Democrats and in Bennett's words," They will kill him before they let him be president."
A fact check with "Truth or Fiction" by my friend showed that website stating that Bennett denies making that statement. But a reading of the website's take of Bennett's words shows some unspoken very soft support for the denial, so you can take it for what it's worth to you. Personally, I am inclined to believe that he is more interested in the political "filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich - everyone except the American people." Bennett goes on to say that he feels Trump is able to self-fund his campaign indicating that he would be above such ventures involving corruption and stealing. To my way of thinking there is one glaring reason for corruption and double-dealing by politicians. Though many good, clean and honest men and women run for Congress with good intentions toward staying honest and making the government work to save the taxpayers their hard-earned money that they will soon see being ripped off by all hands once they see how easy it is to do. All of their colleagues bring pressure on them to "go along and get along" and if they do it they find themselves rapidly advancing to the "good-ole-boys-millionaires-club." Above I said there is one glaring reason for the corruption and double-dealing and reason is also one word that crosses borders faster than a young Hispanic lad from south of the border and that one word is "REELECTION". If the terms for office remain the same as the Constitution stated them in the years past then the Representatives who came in to office with a self-chosen oath to do all in his/her power to be a good and honest legislator, they will find that literally every single one of his/her colleagues are badgering, beating on and haranguing that he/she will need lots of money to get reelected.
There you have it. How corruption starts. In one single word it begins with - REELECTION! God and the individual Congress-persons are the ones who KNOW how much money they need not only to advertise their candidacy, but to "grease the palms" of the more senior solons for their "help". In real life terms they will get "help" to degrade and defame themselves and see how easy it is to slip into a world of crime and double dealing by ripping off their constituents and the country in general. And they soon learn how to raise money through illicit and shady practices between and around different accounts and sources over which they might have some influence. Did you ever notice how fast politicians become millionaires on a salary that is supposed to, in their public estimation, cover only the "bare" necessities of food, lodging, transportation and general upkeep? Their base salary, before any perks and positional increases is about $174 thousand annually. In 2014, Congress officially worked 133 days while the average worker outside of Congress worked 240 days out of the 365 available. The solons claim they work many times at double shifts etc., but they slip out early probably as many times and they also say they work a lot even when they go back home. But nearly all of that is by working for that dirty corrupting word, reelection or raising funds for same, which also goes to unidentified places. What our government needs is a thorough shake-up and make-over into a more organized structure with more positive rules of engagement. A standard working-hours shift should be followed to the extent possible and stricter accounting of working presence should be followed. The entire federal government structure of currently compensated politicians should be recomposed and filled to the greatest extent possible with citizen volunteers compensated only for actual expenses incurred. This would also preclude the currently obscenely high costs of retirement. It should be an honor to serve as a Congress-person or Senator and personal pride should be a redeeming factor.

Jerry McConnell -- Bio and Archives

Gerald A. “Jerry” McConnell, 92, of Hampton, died Sunday, February 19, 2017, at the Merrimack Valley Hospice House in Haverhill, Mass., surrounded by his loved ones. He was born May 27, 1924 in Altoona, Pa., the fifth son of the late John E. and Grace (Fletcher) McConnell.

Jerry served ten years with the US Marine Corps and participated in the landing against Japanese Army on Guadalcanal and another ten years with the US Air Force. After moving to Hampton in 1957 he started his community activities serving in many capacities.


He shared 72 years of marriage with his wife Betty P. (Hamilton) McConnell. In addition to his wife, family members include nieces and nephews.


McConnell’s e-book about Guadalcanal, “Our Survival was Open to the Gravest Doubts