
• Everyone who is afraid a Chinese person might have just come back from China and have the coronavirus is a blatant racist.
• Guns don’t kill people; Airbnb kills people

Coronavirus, Airbnb and Who the Real Racists Are

Coronavirus, Airbnb and Who the Real Racists AreCanada was one of the last major countries to make arrangements to bring its citizens back from China. The government also delayed making the decision that those returning from China be quarantined. There is a simple explanation for why it took so long for the Canadian government to act. It’s not a big deal. Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus the major concern of the politically correct politicians has not been the health of their citizens but racism. That’s right, racism.

Tory effectively said anyone who is worried about contracting the Coronavirus is a racist

First off the mark was Toronto Mayor John Tory. Stating the risk of contracting the virus as being “low” Tory focused on racism. The mayor tweeted, “Standing with our Chinese community against stigmatization & discrimination and reminding residents that, as our health care professionals have informed us, the risk to our community remains low. We must not allow fear to triumph over our values as a city.” (Toronto Sun, Jan. 29) In Tory’s view all “residents” are racists except of course him and the other enlightened ones. Tory makes a good Poster Boy for elitists who know in their own minds they are way superior to the mere mortals they govern. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and ended up with a lot of high profile positions given to him by his daddy and his daddy’s friends. He is much better than all his inferiors. The Toronto mayor has total distain for the people he governs and it cannot simply be put down to garnering political support from the Chinese community. Tory effectively said anyone who is worried about contracting the Coronavirus is a racist. People in positions of power like Tory have for years taken part in the globalist attempt to scare the populace so they will be compliant to the whims of their masters. As a result, too many people are afraid of not only such things as possible pandemics but of global warming and the relatively light snowstorm that is supposed to occur tomorrow. And the bought and paid for liberal mainstream media helps in convincing people to fear such things as climate change.

The eradication of the virus is secondary to the eradication of racism

But Tory, no doubt in order to feel superior to the unwashed masses, completely and simplistically labels anyone who expresses concern about coming into contact with a person who looks like they may have just returned from China, as a racist. The eradication of the virus is secondary to the eradication of racism. PM Justin Trudeau also jumped on the bandwagon albeit in true Justin style, much later than his fellow travellers. Justin, who has never been referred to as “bright,” remains aloof from ordinary people he doesn’t understand but his lack of concern about them is nothing compared to the hatred Tory has the ordinary Torontonian. Of course Tory was not the only one on city council to play the race card. If he was it just wouldn’t be Toronto. Another who weighed in on the city’s terrible anti-Chinese racism was Councillor Joe Cressy. But this wasn’t the only reason Cressy made the news this week. Late last Friday, gunfire erupted on the 32nd floor of a condo building in downtown Toronto and in Cressy’s ward. Three young black men, between the ages of 19 and 21 were dead, and two others injured, one of the two by shattering glass. What made this crime somewhat unusual was in a short time, police indicated they were not looking for any suspects. Apparently this was a good old fashioned shootout. The shooting took place in a condo unit that was a short term Airbnb rental. It was rented by someone in order to throw a party. And this is not the first time in the city violent crimes have been committed in an Airbnb unit rented by someone for the purpose of holding a party. (Toronto Sun, Feb. 1)

The mayor should really consider who the real racists are before accusing everyone else of being one

Toronto has already passed a bylaw banning short term rentals such as this so properties cannot be rented just to hold parties that often result in violence. But the bylaw has not been enforced while the legality of the bylaw winds its way through the courts. But Cressy wants Airbnb to ban these short term rentals on a voluntary basis. So what is the actual purpose of banning such rentals? Is it to reduce deaths and injuries caused by guns? Of course not, and actually no one is saying it will. Unlike the call for total gun bans which will never be effective, this bylaw will work. Banning these short term rentals will not prevent parties from being held. Nor will the ban prevent armed gangbangers from going to parties and, as in Friday’s case, having a shootout. But the law will help decide where these parties will be held. The problem with these short term rentals is they are found in downtown Toronto, in luxury condominiums where the beautiful, mainly white, people live. Tory’s type of people so to speak. And we can’t have young, black male thugs invading their space now can we. By banning these types of rentals, the gangbangers will hopefully hold armed get-togethers in their ghettos (ie. subsidized housing at Jane & Finch, Malvern and other places) far far away from luxurious condominiums. The mayor should really consider who the real racists are before accusing everyone else of being one. We can learn a lot from these two events:
  1. Everyone who is afraid a Chinese person might have just come back from China and have the coronavirus is a blatant racist, and,
  2. Guns don’t kill people; Airbnb kills people.

Arthur Weinreb -- Bio and Archives

Arthur Weinreb is an author, columnist and Associate Editor of Canada Free Press. Arthur’s latest book, Ford Nation: Why hundreds of thousands of Torontonians supported their conservative crack-smoking mayor is available at Amazon. Racism and the Death of Trayvon Martin is also available at Smashwords. His work has appeared on Newsmax.com,  Drudge Report, Foxnews.com.

Older articles (2007) by Arthur Weinreb