
Motive and Opportunity, Who benefits?

Connecting the Dots “Tar Balls” on the Deep Water Horizon Disaster – Where is the FBI?

Many places along the gulf coast have reported “Tar Balls” washing up on their beaches, yet no real media attention has been placed on the significance of these in contradistinction to the more fluid and gooey oil splotches. It must be recognized that these are Sacred Tar Balls, as they are ashphaltene residue of a hydrocarbon oil fire that consumed 11 innocent lives and may contain remnants of those fallen heroes as the Corpus Delicti from a possible crime scene.
It seems that with every passing day there is a new revelation or rumor about the incident, the most recent being the unscheduled evacuation of Schlumberger personnel the morning of the day of the disaster, reportedly over a refusal to allow them to run a Cement Bond Log to confirm the integrity of the very cement seal that failed as the final straw that broke the camels back and resulted the gas explosion. The Norwegians in the North Sea have a word to describe a jumper or bypass that overrides an essential safety system; they call it a “frig”. From my scouring of all the eyewitness reports, first hand accounts of what happened and ongoing details that are being brought to light on a daily basis there were a long chain of sequential frigs in play leading up to the gas release and explosion. Again from the various sources it has been learned that many of these frigs allegedly have been deliberate and not random or accidental acts. Negligent Homicide is the minimum charge that should be investigated as a result of this incident if there was an accidental frigging of the systems; while the more serious Criminally Negligent Homicide or Murder in the case of deliberate and systematic frigging of the systems. So where is the FBI? In any investigation, two of the leading questions asked are Motive and Opportunity, since the Opportunity was obviously present; we must focus in the Motive! There is an old Latin phrase“Cui Bono” or to whom do the benefits of this event accrue? It must be remembered that in February, BP announced that it was pulling out of a key Climate and Global Warming Coalition (Link), and shortly after that there were many suspicious transactions of BP stock, like Goldman Sachs (with a vested interests in the Chicago Climate Exchange and future profits if Cap and Trade is passed into law) dumping nearly $280 Million of BP stock (Link); plus BP CEO Tony Hayward allegedly selling his stock. Goldman Sachs also allegedly shorted stocks like Trans Ocean, the rig owner, just days before the explosion. Regardless if there was insider information that allowed Goldman Sachs to profit from these 11 needless deaths or if this explosion was an act of deliberate sabotage; Goldman Sachs must be investigated as an accessory to the fact! The principle person(s) of interest in this case is/are allegedly the BP Company representative(s) on board the rig, commonly termed in the oil field lingo “The Company Man”. If “The Company Man” as alleged, deliberately “Frigged” the system(s) that resulted in the incident, the question must be asked, was that individual working alone or taking instructions or directions from someone else further up the chain of command; and secondarily were any of these instructions coming from persons or entities either inside or outside the BP chain of command, but whom have a vested interest in profiting from the downstream consequences of this explosion and needless loss of life? If more than one person is involved in this decision making chain it is in legal terms called a “Conspiracy” With trillions in profits at stake to the benefactors of Cap and Trade and the radical transformation and degradation of American Society the collateral damage of this incident, these questions are too important to not be handled by an independent FBI criminal and terrorism investigation. In real terms, should any of these questions be answered in the affirmative, the explosion, fire, and sinking of the Deep Water Horizon is America ’s Reichstag and as such an act of socio-economic and eco-terrorism designed to catalyze the radical transformation of America. The 11 fallen patriots must not be forgotten as this unfolding disaster muddles and staggers forward and as Lord Acton observed in his Lectures on the French Revolution: "The appalling thing ….. is not the tumult, but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed and masked; but there is no doubt about their presence from the first."

J Desmond McGrath -- Bio and Archives

J Desmond McGrath is a Canadian Engineer (BSc Petroleum Engineering-Honors Montana Tech) who has been living and working in Louisiana since 2002.