
Provide a list

Communities wanting wind turbines

To: The Honourable Dalton McGuinty: I read the interview that you recently had with the Belleville Intellegencer and noted your comments in respect to the placement of wind turbines in communities. To refresh your memory here is the preamble:
"The new wind turbine program will be key to circumventing the angst of factions in areas like Prince Edward County who have vehemently opposed the implementation of wind turbines in their community, Premier Dalton McGuinty said, during an exclusive visit to the Intelligencer Friday." which you followed up with as follows: “I've got all kinds of communities that want them,” he said. “I don't need the headaches that are associated with them going into communities that don't want them.” On the latter note could you (or Minister Bentley whom I have copied on this) please supply me with the list of the communities/municipalities who "want them" to determine if the list dovetails with the list of communities that have rejected them. Your early attention to the above question would be greatly appreciated and (assuming the two lists are compatible), greatly relieve many of our members who may be causing some of the angst and headaches you refer to. Yours truly, Parker Gallant, VP Wind Concerns Ontario

Guest Column Parker Gallant -- Bio and Archives

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