
Bukovsky was able to prove through archival documents Moscow’s influence “over Western political parties, governments, media, and prominent individuals.”

Communist Propaganda and Revisionist History

Communist Propaganda and Revisionist HistoryThe communist propaganda has intensified at a fever pitch. It’s not just the supine main stream media that constantly bombard us with scripted and highly subjective chats/gossip pretending to be “news,” canned and distributed by the same progressive owners of the mass media who order their minions to read the latest socialist Democrat talking points. The objective is to use irrational mob mentality in order to stir hatred towards our President and of anything remotely conservative or pro-America. It is Hollywood that makes a living in capitalist America by reading their movie lines written by someone else, and acting on celluloid as they are told, influencing Millennials with brains full of runny grits, telling us in front of microphones that they are experts because of a movie role they’ve played. Their educational “expertise” is contradicted by their high school dropout status.

Communism is now the new ideology of the left

The communist propaganda has intensified at a fever pitch. It’s not just the supine main stream media that constantly bombard us with scripted and highly It is the vaunted halls of academia indoctrinating millions of young Americans, useful idiots, who have lost touch with reality, if they’ve ever had any contact with it, dumbed down by participation trophies and parents telling them how special they are, threatening teachers and principals, excusing moronic or bullying behavior, and lack of work ethic. It is liberal arts colleges who give high tuition payers worthless diplomas. These “scholars,” trained in puppetry, social justice, non-existent “white privilege,” and racism stoked by the left, wonder why they cannot find jobs in their fields, blaming capitalism for their lack of employability and embracing communism’s purported equality and wealth confiscation of the “rich,” stretching the idea of rich to the breaking point. Communism is now the new ideology of the left that the young and some old Americans have embraced with fervor, having no idea what it is, or any sympathy for the 100 million of humans who died as victims of communism. Young Americans are totally blind and deaf to history and cover their ears and eyes and reject those who survived communism and have taken great pains and paid high prices to escape communist totalitarian societies. Most, like me, fleeing communist oppression, have left everything they’ve ever known and loved behind and came to America legally. Why would anyone leave if communism is so great? How many Americans are clamoring to move to a communist country, giving up their American citizenship? Why would Cubans take great chances and die at sea in rickety contraptions on their voyage to America if Castro’s communism is so great?
Why were so many innocent people shot and killed before 1989, trying to escape the Berlin Wall from the communist German side to the free German western side if communism is so wonderful? Why would communists have to build barbed wire and cement walls to keep people prisoners in their own communist “paradise?” You cannot, of course, ask logical questions of liberals lest be told that you are judgmental. I make decisions by using sound judgment and logic, not feelings and emotions like liberals do. Real journalists, historians, and teachers must tell the truth about communism. The ideology is pure evil and has spawned a Marxist empire. History should teach and dissect very carefully for future generations what communism had done to citizens around the world during decades of totalitarian regimes’ rule of terror. Vladimir Bukovsky took great risks when he and his friend Pavel photocopied archival documents in the early 1990s in Russia and from the Gorbachev Foundation archives in Moscow. These were brought to England by Pavel Stroilov. Bukovsky has published some of the documents and the links in his upcoming book in the English version, Judgment in Moscow, Soviet Crimes and Western Complicity. (Bukovsky, May 2019) Bukovsky obtained thousands of documents over a period of a year. Had he not succeeded, he said, “it is highly likely that they would have lain secret for many more years, if not forever,” lost to history. While offering these documents for free to the western press, most have ignored him with “So what? Who cares?” The typical media tends to marginalize the anti-communism messenger with claims of “McCarthyism.”

Velvet Revolution of 1989 was a Soviet operation

Bukovsky wrote in Chapter 6, “The Revolution That Never Was,” that Gorbachev, with help from his most trusted aids, upon leaving Kremlin, copied top secret documents and stored them in the Gorbachev Foundation for “friendly researchers.” In 2003, Gorbachev was told to black out the documents. In the interim, however, Bukovsky’s friend, Pavel, copied a huge cache of documents on a daily basis and sent them to Bukovsky. According to Bukovsky, the change that happened in 1989 in the communist world, the so-called fall, was too soft, too velvety as in the Velvet Revolution, to have happened by chance. There was no struggle, no terrible bloodshed, save for a few who had died in the Romanian December 1989 Revolution. The western world believed it as a chain of “accidents and coincidences.” Bukovsky explains in his book that “these changes occurred due to a decision by Moscow and under certain pressure from the Kremlin: as we recall, Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for conducting this operation.” All the “liberalization” happened with Moscow’s blessing, said Bukovsky. Among many examples, Bukovsky wrote about the Czech security that orchestrated their “revolution” during which it was revealed that a “killed student” was actually a very much alive and breathing employee of the Czechoslovak state security. The “revolution” failed to bring a “liberal” communist to power, instead bringing Havel. Bukovsky provides documentary proof in his book that “the Velvet Revolution of 1989 was a Soviet operation” and that “the communist brethren all over the world continued to be trained, supplied with arms and technical means.” The Soviets had no intention of giving up their power and influence in the world.

New generations have been brainwashed into collectivism by Common Core standards of education, using Mother Earth environmentalism and global warming/climate change as Armageddon

Twenty-nine years have passed since the “fall” of communism yet its influence has grown globally by leaps and bounds, promoted constantly by various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with deep pockets, calling themselves non-profits, affiliated with the U.N., and promoting the 17 goals of the communist globalist Agenda of 2030. New generations have been brainwashed into collectivism by Common Core standards of education, using Mother Earth environmentalism and global warming/climate change as Armageddon. These educational standards have been introduced concurrently around the world by the same billionaires and their foundations. They are determined to shape humanity into their view of the world. And they found politicians like Ocasio-Cortez who is telling her young acolytes that, in order to save the world from extinction, people must rethink having babies. It is evident that, to free the world from the murderous legacy of communism, one must “use history to discredit the ideas on which communism was based.” But real history is no longer taught in public schools, replaced by progressives’ revisionist history. Bukovsky asks very important questions, “Why were the horrific crimes of the Soviet Union – among them concentration camps, torture, starvation, and even genocide – so often misunderstood and ignored by Western politicians, academics, and the media? After the regime’s fall, why did the world’s democracies, who less than 50 years before had been rigorous in punishing Nazism atrocities, stand by as the moment passed to put the communist perpetrators on trial?” Bukovsky was able to prove through archival documents Moscow’s influence “over Western political parties, governments, media, and prominent individuals.”

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism”, “Liberty on Life Support” and “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” “Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later” are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.