
Communist-Bound North America Needs The Epoch Times More Than Any Other New Outlet

Dear Reader, Thank you for registering with The Epoch Times. I hope you have a few moments to spare because I'd like to tell you a bit more about us. Why? Because The Epoch Times is different from any other news source in North America. My name is John Tang, and I’m the founder and CEO of The Epoch Times. I didn't set out to publish a newspaper. In 1993, I had no money, but I had something even better. As a young doctoral candidate from China, I had arrived in the United States and discovered what it meant to be free.

The Epoch Times was born with the purpose of telling the world about the destructiveness of socialism and communism

I found living in America to be a life-changing experience. For the first time, I could speak freely, but I was saddened to think of people in my home country who would face grave repercussions for simply speaking out about their own government. I felt a calling to do something. And so in the year 2000, The Epoch Times was born with the purpose of telling the world about the destructiveness of socialism and communism, and specifically, to expose the disinformation and human rights violations of the Chinese Communist Party and how it works to infiltrate other countries. From this humble beginning arose a worthy mission: to create a news source that would bring back the great legacy of traditional journalism. As a media dedicated to truth, we pledged to report the news factually, honestly, and completely, without a political agenda. Today, we publish in 22 languages across 36 countries—always reporting the facts and upholding the best of what makes us human. Our Canadian edition was launched in 2004. The past 20 years haven’t been easy. In communist China, it’s not uncommon for reporters who criticize the government to simply disappear. In Hong Kong, thugs set a fire in our printing plant and smashed our presses with sledgehammers, in separate incidents. In May 2021, one of our Hong Kong reporters was attacked by a thug wielding a baseball bat. In Canada and the United States, some of our competitors in the mainstream media have attempted to smear us time and again. None of this has stopped us from striving to report the news accurately and honestly, unembellished by our own opinions. In fact, the more we are attacked for reporting truthfully, the stronger we become.

Epoch Times is a media on a journey to bring traditional journalism back to Canada and the United States

The Epoch Times is a media on a journey to bring traditional journalism back to Canada and the United States, where it is sorely needed, and to a world that is desperate for truth. We have set our goals high, and we know that we can’t accomplish this great mission without you. On behalf of our reporters, writers, editors, and researchers around the world, I invite you to join us on this journey. In Truth and Tradition, John Tang The Epoch Times If you like what drives us, please consider supporting us with a digital subscription. Your support will help us stay independent—and free to follow our values.

Epoch Times -- Bio and Archives

The Epoch Times: “A Fresh Look at Our Changing World”

The Epoch Times is a privately held news media company. The center is in New York, but our network of local reporters throughout the world uncovers stories that are authentically local, yet also globally relevant. Our independence enables us to report widely and present a diversity of opinions.


We have offices in 30 countries across five continents, and our content is published in 17 languages. We are proud to offer print and web editions in Chinese, English, German, French, Spanish, Hebrew, Russian, Japanese, Korean and Indonesian, as well as web versions in Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Vietnamese and Swedish.