
Ron Bloom, Carol Browner, David Bonior, Hilda Solis

Commies in the Cabinet

In April of this year we published an article called the Intolerable Acts. In it we discussed the actual members of the cabinet, none of which ever held a real job, and were members of the Socialist or Communist party.

Carol Browner

Among them aside from Van Jones who has since been outed, was Carol Browner-member of Socialist International- was listed as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group's Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for "global governance" and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change. Browner's career started with Leftist organizations. She was a member of the Citizens Action Committee a radical environmental group. It was started in 1974 by a group of Union members and churches, preaching liberation theology. It's aim was to protect citizens during the energy crisis. Protect them from what? Evil corporations that would try to price gouge them. Can't have that supply and demand people. Browner was a legislative assistant for Al Gore, inventor of the internet! She was later head of the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation where under her leadership, it became one of the most activist departments in the state. She was the woman who pressed the lawsuit against the sugar industry in Florida, virtually bankrupting them with a $1B lawsuit that killed the industry, and the jobs that went with it, in the state of Florida. It was said by the head of Florida's largest business trade association that dealing with Browner: "She kicks the door open, throws in a hand grenade, and then walks in to shoot who's left. She really doesn't like to compromise." Later, while working for the Clinton Administration as head of the EPA, she pushed the concept of environmental contracts when dealing with the private sector and the environment. Environmental contracts parallels with the idea of a social contract between workers, employers and the state which underpinned the foundation of the social welfare state. It was also under Browner that the strict EPA guidelines for clean air standards were enacted. A policy that cost business billions and helped pave the way for the Carbon Taxes that Obama is now proposing. Business fought the Clean Air Queen stating that her regulations were excessive but more importantly exceeded her authority. It was said that the regulations violated the doctrine of non delegation. The doctrine of non delegation describes the theory "that one branch of government must not authorize another entity to exercise the power or function which it is constitutionally authorized to exercise itself. It is explicit or implicit in all written constitutions that impose a strict structural separation of powers. It is usually applied in questions of constitutionally improper delegations of powers of any of the three branches of government to either of the other, to the administrative state, or to private entities. Although it is usually constitutional for executive officials to delegate executive powers to executive branch subordinates, there can also be improper delegations of powers within an executive branch." In other words, excessive use of power. The Supreme Court once again decided to emasculate the Constitution and ruled in favor of the EPA. Browner, is a watermelon, she went on to tout the need for carbon credits and any other environmental cause who's goal is to strip business of its ability to make a profit by regulating it to death. As recently as 2008 Browner, an active member of the Socialist International was on their Commission for a Sustainable World Society. OOH, SOUNDS FUN! Ah, the Socialist International the group who got May 1 to be celebrated in the U.S. as Workers Day back in 1910. The same group that got March 8th to become International Women's Day, a day when the plight of the oppressed working woman was celebrated, sounds just like grandma, eh? The recognized branch of the Socialist International in the United States is the DSA or Democratic Socialists of America. Make no doubt about it, the Socialists have "re-branded" themselves (learning something from their Capitalist opponents) as a green group. Take a look at their website, it reads like a flower child campaign. Heck, even look at their logo, of course the flower is RED! So, someone explain to me please how this woman has a job within the government? How is it that she is not tried for treason, after all, isn't being a Socialist an un-American activity? Where is Joe McCarthy when you need him?!

Ron Bloom

Next on the list of RED's in the White House is Ron Bloom (Manufacturing Czar)-DSA (Democratic Socialist of America) member. Ron Bloom, the Socialist who replaced Van Jones, the Communist! You gotta love it. A Socialist in charge of Manufacturing, that's like putting Ronald Reagan in charge of Socialized Medicine! As a member of the DSA, Bloom belongs to an organization that in it's 2007 meeting stated: "What distinguishes socialists from other progressives is the theory of surplus value. According to Marx, the secret of surplus value is that workers are a source of more value than they receive in wages. The capitalist is able to capture surplus value through his ownership of the means of production, his right to purchase labor as a commodity, his control over the production process, and his ownership of the final product. Surplus value is the measure of capital’s exploitation of labor. Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production. Our immediate task is to limit the capitalist class’s prerogatives in the workplace... In the short run we must at least minimize the degree of exploitation of workers by capitalists. We can accomplish this by promoting full employment policies, passing local living wage laws, but most of all by increasing the union movement’s power... The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) provides an excellent organizing tool through which we can pursue our socialist strategy while simultaneously engaging the broader electorate on an issue of economic populism." That's just so red, white and blue, isn't it? The DSA went on to explain how it could play a role in getting the Act passed through the Senate after the 2008 elections: "The fact that we face an uphill battle in the Senate does not detract from the value of DSA doing organizing work around EFCA. At a minimum, we can force conservative senators to place themselves on record as opposed to EFCA. This would then make these incumbents even more vulnerable in the 2008 elections. If we replace only a few of these anti-labor senators in 2008, we should be able to pass EFCA in the next Congress. DSA could play a role in organizing support for EFCA. We have locals and activists across the country capable of organizing successful public events – as demonstrated by our Sanders house parties. We have “notables” capable of attracting non-DSA members to public events. We have academics, writers and speakers capable of elucidating public policy issues in clear and simple language. We have a solid relationship with several major unions-UAW, USW, IAM." Bloom's experience includes serving as an adviser to then union president George Becker, then to Leo Gerard when he assumed leadership in 2001. This is the same George Becker who speaks proudly of coming from a city in Illinois that had a Socialist Mayor and City Council when he was a child. Gerard also serves on the board of the Apollo Alliance with Joel Rogers and SEIU vice president and DSA member Gerry Hudson. When Gerard became president of the United Steel Workers in 2001, Bob Roman of Chicago DSA wrote; "The USWA has a long tradition of militant, good mostly leadership. Now they have someone both militant and radical, which is not surprising as Girard is a Canadian export with ties to the Canadian New Democratic Party." Again, red white and blue, through and through...right folks?! No surprise that Bloom was a big supporter of Union being on the Board of Corporations, which we now see through the FIN REG bill that was just passed, we also see him as a supporter of Socialized Medicine that was passed in March and a big supporter of Carbon Credits which is on the agenda as a part of Obama's Fall Offensive.

David Bonior

Next Commie in the Red Parade within the Obama administration is David Bonior -Member of the Obama Economic Transition Team and paid up active DSA member. Bonoir was a member of the radical Institute for Policy Studies. The Institute for Policy Studies is the largest and most influential of the far left think tanks in Washington. Since its founding in 1964 it has steadily followed a pro-Marxist line on foreign policy, defense and the economy and has spawned a large number of spin-offs, other think tanks and public affairs organizations following the same radical agenda. To put its policy recommendations into action, IPS built networks of contacts among Congressional legislators and their staffs, academics, government officials, and the national media. In 1978, in an article in National Review, Brian Crozier, director of the London-based Institute for the Study of Conflict, described IPS as the "perfect intellectual front for Soviet activities which would be resisted if they were to originate openly from the KGB." Always nice to be compared to the KGB, no? President Obama has delegated to re-unite the US's two major labor federations AFL-CIO and Change to Win, under one banner. Who is in charge of that? David Bonior. So, three of the most influential union affiliated officials of the Obama administration have connections to Democratic Socialists of America-an organization whose "goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production". Remember, this from the most transparent government ever, and of course all of Obama's appointees are thoroughly vetted.

Hilda Solis

Last but not least in our Red Parade is Hilda Solis -Secretary of Labor- keynote speaker at the DSA national conference "21st Century Socialism" held in L.A. in 2005. Before being appointed to her new role in the Obama Administration, Solis served on the board of American Rights at Work with several DSA supporters including David Bonior, then AFL-CIO president John Sweeney labor economist Harley Shaiken and NAACP leader Julian Bond. Among Solis's leftist associates DSA vice chair and Washington Post columnist Harold Meyerson, Occidental College sociologist (Obama's school for the first two years before transferring to Columbia) and longtime DSAer Peter Dreier. In June 2008, the Socialist International Migrations Committee held a Migrations Reform, Integration, Rights forum in Los Angeles. DSA was represented by National Director Frank Llewellyn plus Duane Campbell and Dolores Delgado Campbell of DSA's Anti Racism and Latino networks. Hilda Solis was formally represented by Elena Henry, a caseworker from Solis' East Los Angeles Office. In 2008 Hilda Solis served on Barack Obama's National Latino Advisory Council alongside DSA honorary chair and SEIU vice president Eliseo Medina. How is it that these people, some of the most influential members of government, all Socialists are in the cabinet? Come on people, wake up! You think it is coincidence?! If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn I could sell you! These people have the power to fundamentally transform the prosperity and security of our country. How is it that the lame stream media who went nuts over Sarah Palin and doing their job about finding out as much about her as possible have become deaf, dumb and blind about these Reds in the cabinet.? Why is there no scrutiny, I'll telly you why, because you don't eat your own kind! That's my opinion.

Tom Greene -- Bio and Archives

Thomas Greene has a degree in Political Science from St. John’s University.  He believes in America, freedom and liberty, as described by the Founding Fathers, the free market and entrepreneurial spirit as it provides the best path to prosperity.