
Democrat Party is going to attempt to steal as many of the 2010 Mid Term Elections as they possibly can

Combating Voter Fraud

The Democrat party is in public opinion freefall as a result of the disastrous policies of the Obama administration aided and abetted by a Democrat controlled congress. Barring an “October surprise” it is likely that most mid term elections will be won by the Republican candidate. That is, however, only if Democrat voter fraud can be kept to a minimum.
Without question the Democrat Party is going to attempt to steal as many of the 2010 Mid Term Elections as they possibly can and are, without question, already actively engaged in activity to that effect throughout the country. In order to combat this threat it is necessary that immediate action be taken to have any chance of preventing such an outcome. It is therefore absolutely crucial that the Republican Party take immediate action to minimize the commission of this crime. The following is an approach that could, if implemented quickly enough, reduce the potential of Democrat voter fraud. The Republican Party needs to:
  • Establish a fund to pay cash rewards to “whistleblowers” that turn in perpetrators voter fraud. Such rewards would be paid upon legal conviction of the persons or persons so named.
  • Such cash rewards must be substantial in amount probably in the range of $5000.00 per conviction.
  • Buy national radio and television time to announce this program stressing that the program is totally nonpartisan and that such rewards will be paid to all “whistleblowers” regardless of party affiliation of those convicted of vote fraud.
  • Publicly challenge the Democrat party to match Republican funds to help in promoting a fair and honest election.
The impact of such a program will, I believe, be quite significant as it will make a potential “whistleblower” out of everyone working for any organization involved in voter fraud. These organizations such as ACORN, under whatever name or names it is now operating, hire many local temporary employees who are paid minimum wage or less to help in the perpetration of voter fraud. Such employees are more likely to be motivated by money than by loyalty to the organization’s “cause”. Such a threat would place significant pressure on the hierarchy of such knowing that any one of their employees might be the one to send them to prison and be rewarded for doing so. A similar program proved to be quite effective in the past under somewhat different circumstances. In the days before television began covering Hockey games at the old Chicago Stadium what amounted to mild hooliganism was allowed to run rather rampant. Whenever the crowd was not satisfied with a play or a referee’s call they would respond not only verbally but by throwing trash such as beer cups, etc. on to the ice causing a significant delay as the ice had to be cleared of debris before the game could continue. This raucous behavior had basically been tolerated by stadium management probably realizing that it resulted in the sale of more beer. However, once television began carrying hockey, the unpredictability of the time required to complete a game became a real problem to the broadcasters’ ability to schedule their time slots. Under pressure from the broadcasters, stadium management finally decided to try to call a halt to the activity by posting signs around the arena that read: $200.00 FINE FOR THROWING OBJECTS ON TO THE ICE This had almost no effect on the problem even though in the era when this was occurring (late 1950s to early 1960s) $200.00 was close to $2,000.00 in today’s money so such a fine was not trivial. Those individuals who threw trash knew that in order to be fined they had to be caught and they could easily recognize the uniformed police officers and uniformed ushers who were the only source of enforcement. Then the stadium management got smart. They replaced the $200.00 fine signs with signs that read: $200.00 FINE FOR THROWING OBJECTS ON TO THE ICE $100.00 REWARD FOR TURNING IN ANYONE FOR THROWING OBJECTS ON TO THE ICE Since every person in the stadium was made a potential source of enforcement the practice of throwing objects on to the ice came to a virtual halt overnight. A similar reward program to pay whistleblowers for turning in those who commit voter fraud has the potential of being quite effective. No longer would the perpetrators only have election officials and law enforcement to fear, they would have to fear everyone in their entire organization. Potentially one temporary employee could turn in an entire office of vote fraud perpetrators and collect reward for each and every one that was convicted. That would be serious money for a temporary minimum wage employee to consider. To be effective, such a program needs to be put into effect as soon as possible. The Republican Party needs to announce such a program by mid September at the latest for it to have the desired effect for the upcoming election. It is very doubtful that the Democrat Party will accept the Republican’s challenge and participate in the program and will in all likelihood try to claim it to be indicative of racial bias. Such a charge can be easily turned against them by replying that by making such a charge Democrats are clearly stating that they believe that minorities are more likely to commit voter fraud. All Americans who believe in individual liberty are at war with those who literally want to destroy it in this country and we must take the fight to the enemy.

Stan McHugh -- Bio and Archives Stan McHugh is a freelance writer.