
Ambitious Promoters Are the Polluters

CO2 Is Plant Food Not Pollution

CO2 Is Plant Food Not Pollution

When the establishment can't, or refuses, to understand the difference between plant food and pollution ordinary folk have a big problem. Moreover, the "problem" is a political tool used to control people. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, it is essential to life. Below 140 ppm, and life on our unique planet would collapse.  The issue has been the promotion that certain molecules of CO2 emitted by modern industrial society can wreak havoc upon the Earth's weather and climate. However, there is no evidence that variations in atmospheric concentrations cause climate change. The Vostok ice core records some 400,000 years of real climate change, and the observation is that there is little correlation and no causation. If anything, the record shows that warming leads CO2.
The other problem has been the unrelenting intrusion upon freedom accompanied by tax grabbing via any fear bureaucrats can invent. Climate and COVID. Beyond the lack of evidence, the real problem has been to ignore that CO2 is the essential plant food and without plants all life would end. This makes the trace gas a necessity not a pollutant. And geologically at some 400 ppm, the atmospheric concentration is unusually low. At less than 150 ppm life as we enjoy it will begin to shut down.  Clearly, the misunderstanding between food and pollution has been a promotion by the ambitious establishment to change our lives from freedom to coercion. On, regrettably, another great experiment in authoritarian government run by "expert" central planners.  Such experiments have been promoted using inspiring banners such as the hammer and sickle or a party name. Over the past forty years, what really has been the difference between Republican and Democrats? During either watch, the bureaucratic and administrative state continued its bullying. To cut through the political salesmanship physics provides a definition of authoritarian:  "That which is not compulsory is prohibited", which elegantly describes everything from Communism to today's radical school boards.  And a definition from the old and highly speculative Vancouver Stock Exchange provides an equally elegant description of a promotion: "In the beginning, the promoter has the vision, and the public has the money. At the end of the promotion, the public has the vision, and the promoter has the money." 

Chemistry of photosynthesis that turns a condemned pollutant into life

And in the promotions from "Global Cooling" to "Global Warming" to now "Global Hysteria" the amount of money has been without precedent. Trillions of taxpayers' hard-earned dollars paying for central planners' lifestyles, as well their grand conventions. It is understood that "Cooling" could not be blamed upon society and couldn't be promoted to extort a living.  Chemistry of photosynthesis The next is the word definition is the chemistry of photosynthesis that turns a condemned pollutant into life.  Clearly the more carbon dioxide going in, the more food and oxygen coming out. And it has been so since the first micro-critters appeared a few billion years ago. Hot rocks gave us CO2 and photosynthesis gave us oxygen and life. The identification of photosynthesis is, itself, interesting.  Van Helmot, in the 1630s was a dedicated observer and grew a willow tree under closed conditions. After five years he found that the tree had gained 164 pounds, but the box of soil had only lost 2 pounds. He argued that the increase had been due to water. Then, one could not imagine substance coming from air. But those limbs and roots, trunk and bark came from somewhere.  It was in the 1750s when Joseph Black first identified carbon dioxide. Calling it "fixed air", he observed how it could turn into calcium carbonate. Unknown until much later, this has been the process whereby carbon dioxide has been sequestered into literally mountains of CO2-based rock.  This is covered in another piece CO2 Rocks!.

Further understanding of photosynthesis evolved in the 1890s with definitive work done into the 1940s.  That the trace gas carbon dioxide has been condemned as a "pollutant" is not based upon science or even history. But sensationalism provided academic funding leading to extraordinary political ambition. Indeed, CO2 is essential for life. As is water and life-sustaining warmth. Some 650 million years ago, ice and snow covered most of the planet. From pole to pole making conditions inhospitable. Indeed, throughout history life has thrived during climate warming, until 1989 when authoritarians suddenly declared that warming was dangerous. So, how does the blatant promotion of CO2 as a threat to life on our uniquely hospitable planet end?  As with previous political manias, the promotion exhausts itself, surrendering to common sense and popular rejection.  Again, something from speculative markets. So long as the stock is going up participants will believe  the most preposterous of stories. And enthusiastically repeat it to others, but when the price breaks, suddenly it's – "I've been had!".  Plant food is not, repeat not, pollution. Authoritative commandments are.  Declining solar activity has always been associated with climate cooling.

El Nino, La Nina, Solar Cycles

In the 1990s, solar physicists, Penn and Livingston, concluded that the lengthy increase in solar activity would reverse to a long decline. Solar Cycles 23 and 24 have been the weakest in a hundred years. Also, increasing volcanic activity causes near-term cooling. For example, last January Mount Tonga recorded an impressive eruption of ash, sulfur and steam. Enough to provide some modest cooling. As with all large eruptions, the amount of CO2 injected into the atmosphere, is greater than any reductions achieved by ambitious control freaks. Another near-term warming influence have been the El Ninos of 2016 and 1998.  Both are weather warming and are obvious the satellite chart of temperature. Note the subsequent drop of 0.70 C, and the promoters are frantic about a 1.5 C increase. El Nino The swings from the warming El Ninos to the cooling  La Ninas have been on forever, but the latest of the latter continues in its cool phase: La Nina

Mother Nature continues to confound the experts

Mother Nature continues to confound the experts, many self-appointed, with increasing snow mass as well as cover. The physics has been that this reflects more heat to outer space. Thus, reinforcing a cooling trend. For the Northern Hemisphere, two out of the last three "melt seasons" have had above-normal snow cover. Summer reflections? Also touted has been that Greenland's immense ice cover is drastically melting, which is not the case. The following shows that it is above average for this year, clearly the highest in the last five years: Greenland's immense ice cover Also, the Southern Hemisphere suffered an unusually cool winter. On October 13th, Electroverse provided the following headlines: "Cold Paraguay; Record Lows At Parkersburg; + ‘One-In-50-Year' Frost Decimates NZ Blueberry Crop; Antarctica Plunges below -80 C, Breaking Record". It is ironical that without CO2, even at today's geologically low concentrations, climate promoters would not be alive. Like you and me, they inhale it at 0.04% and exhale it at 4%, without apology. The promotion is both political and scientific pollution.

Bob Hoye -- Bio and Archives

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s.  Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.