
What we see clearly is how far down to rock bottom CNN’s ‘investigative journalism’ has fallen

CNN’s Big, Bad, White Box Truck

CNN’s Big, Bad, White Box Truck All it takes to you-know-what CNN is a big white box truck! Talking heads posing as CNN investigative journalists thought they had the scoop of the century when they “CAUGHT” President Donald Trump playing golf on his own golf course over the Christmastime holidays. But their peek-a-boo spying venture was ruined by a box truck cutting off their view.
“We Can See You, Mister!” CNN Calls Out Driver of Truck Trump Brought In To Block Shot of Him Golfing” (DieHardDemocrat, Dec. 28, 2017) According to the trying-to-be enterprising CNN, Trump the Tyrant, Trump the Misogynist, Trump the Orange Man Dem Wrecker is now Trump the “Leisure Lover”.
“Leisure lover Donald Trump seems determined to set an all-time unbreakable record of number of days in a year spent golfing by a sitting president.” (DieHardDemocrat)
Trump’s got a long way to go in breaking former President Barack Hussein Obama’s 306 days out on the links, but who’s counting?
“The former reality TV star retreated to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida for a Christmastime vacation and has, by many reports, spent the bulk of his time in the final days of 2017 out on the links.”(DieHardDemocrat)
With Hillary Clinton singing ‘Lost the Election Blues’ and Resistance Leader Obama holding out for an invitation to Prince Harry’s wedding, how dare President Donald Trump spend “the bulk of his time in the final days of 2017 out on the links”?! What a leisure-lapping monster!
“President Trump’s prioritizing of golfing does not make for good press, however. (DieHardDemocrat) “Reporters on CNN recently chided Trump for the silly way he attempted to stop them from filming him while he was on his golf course. “President Trump recently announced that he would be returning “back to work” for the American people following Christmas, but it quickly became clear that this meant working on his golf swing. “CNN cameras were placed on public property adjacent to Trump’s course and caught him in action. However, their view was quickly blocked by an unmarked white van that parked conspicuously between their cameras and the president.
LOL!!!!!!!! All it took to throw off the ‘Scoop of the Century’ was an unmarked white van. CNN has the monopoly on SILLY.

"Commented CNN’s Dan Merica, “This may seem trivial, but it is important to get video of the president as he does these things on a daily basis. The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis.” Replied host Don Lemon, noting how Trump had previously criticized Barack Obama for playing golf, “It’s called hypocrisy.” “The network’s Brianna Keilar discussed this turn of events with correspondent Sara Murray, who was on the scene. Said Keilar about Trump, “Yesterday, we were able to see him golfing, CNN got exclusive video of the video out on the course. Talk about the mysterious happenings, our photographer tried to get a shot.” Answered Murray, “Mysterious is a good way to put it, Brianna. We know this administration has been particularly sensitive about catching the president on the course. They don’t invite reporters to come get a shot of him, even on his first day of vacation. That’s something that President Obama did occasionally when he was in office.” She went on, “Today was a little bit different because suddenly a big white box truck showed up and blocked the shot. It’s not clear who commissioned or was driving the truck, but safe to say it’s not a spot you can park as a pedestrian. They keep a close eye on the perimeter to those close to the president.” “The two then brought attention to the driver of the truck that Trump’s team had obviously commissioned. Inquired Brianna, “Did you see the driver there, Sara, blocking his face? Did you see that?” A chuckling Murray answered that “clearly they don’t want you to know who is driving this truck or where this truck came from.” Cracked Keilar, “We can see you, mister! We can see you!”
Earth to Brianna Keilar: “We can see you, sister! We can see you!” And what we see clearly is how far down to rock bottom CNN’s ‘investigative journalism’ has fallen.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.