
Thanks for proving Kanye’s point, CNN. Well done

CNN worried about Kanye’s health because he doesn’t hate Trump like they’ve decided he should

Thanks for proving Kanye’s point, CNN.  Well done Over the weekend, Kanye West appeared on Saturday Night Live. I haven’t watched SNL since they abandoned the idea of being a comedy show in favor of being a left-wing propaganda machine so, no, I didn’t see it live. However, you couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting the clips that appeared on Youtube. At the end of the show, Kanye appeared in his MAGA hat, and launched into a blistering anti-Democrat tirade.
“I wanna cry right now, black man in America, supposed to keep what you’re feelin’ inside right now. The blacks want ‘always Democrats’ – you know it’s like the plan they did, to take the fathers out the home and put them on welfare. Does anybody know about that? That’s a Democratic plan. There’s so many times I talk to a white person and they say, ‘How could you like Trump, he’s racist?’ Well, if I was concerned about racism I would’ve moved out of America a long time ago. …And when I said I’m running in 2020, all my smart friends talked so much s— about me. And when I saw that man win, I said, ‘See, I told you. I could have been there.’ Now you got a situation where we need to have a dialogue and not a diatribe because if you want something to change, it’s not going to change by saying, ‘F— that person.’ Try love. Try love. Try love. Try love.
….You see they laughing at me. You heard ’em, they scream at me, they bully me. They bullied me backstage they said, ‘Don’t go out there with that hat on.’ They bullied me backstage. They bullied me. And then they say I’m in a sunken place. You want to see the sunken place? Okay, I’ma listen to y’all now. I know some of y’all don’t agree. But y’all be goin’ at that man neck a lot, and I don’t think it’s actually that helpful. I think the universe has balance. 90 percent of news are liberal. 90 percent of TV, L.A., New York, writers, actors, rappers, musicians. So it’s easy to make it seem like it’s so, so, so one-sided. …And I feel kind of free. I thought this country said I couldn’t be me.”
All of his remarks were made during the closing credits, and some were mostly cut off , but comedian Chris Rock was in the audience and post the following video to his instagram:

After the show, Kanye responded to the controversy as follows:
Look, I’m not going to sit here and hold up Kanye West as a paragon of political thought. However, I will say he’s right about the media and entertainment complex being almost exclusively left wing, he’s right the Democrats view black voters as a monolithic bloc that they’re terrified may drift even slightly to the right, and he’s 100% right that he’s entitled to his opinion. He did make a weird comment about repealing the 13th Amendment, but I suspect that’s a metaphoric reference to his opinion that Dems view black voters as slaves than it does with a genuine repeal of abolition. Your mileage may vary. However, I don’t think any of this is a sign that Kanye is insane. If he wants to be a Trump supporter, he has every right to be one – and CNN shouldn’t be questioning his mental health just because he doesn’t agree with their approved take on American politics… Thanks for proving Kanye’s point, CNN. Well done.

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