
Heinous acts of treason, corruption, pillage, moral and cultural turpitude, conspiracy to debase your liberty and freedom

Citizens of America, you are summoned to hear evidence that will decide the fate of the America

If you choke on the word ineligible, do not even think of placing your name before the American public as a candidate for the office of the President of the United States of America. The reason is straight forward. Spineless cowards who choke on ineligible inevitably can not enunciate the word constitution. Now to unfinished business.
Citizens of America you are now the largest jury ever impanelled in the history of the world. You are summoned to hear and see evidence that will decide the fate of the United States of America. Yes, it is shocking and indeed repulsive to some. You will hear facts of a fraud so vile and destructive that you will be shaken to your very core. You will learn that those here charged with heinous acts of treason, corruption, pillage, moral and cultural turpitude, conspiracy to debase your liberty and freedom, and mocking the law as ritually and as frequently as finding one they dislike, that these individuals and cabals are serial offenders. They have no pity on their prey and spurn the concept of remorse, it being a manifestation of conscience that they believe is a haven only for the fool. And you are cautioned that your responsibility under the law is to set aside preconceptions, bias, and most specifically media reports relating to any of the indicted individuals. It may be difficult but you must. You must also not cheer, clap, or reveal signs of glee as the prosecution proceeds. You will first hear evidence underlying the people’s case of the historic basis of the conspiracy to debase inalienable rights of liberty and freedom for the sole purpose of control of the masses by a few self appointed chosen intellectuals; of how collectivization was imposed on the first settlers to place their feet on the North American continent, of the tragic failure of spirit and life resulting from such suppression of the individual; of how over the period of 150 years preceding the American Revolution a series of English kings, in bed with big commercial ventures, and other corrupt individuals and groups suppressed and controlled the colonists to a point wherein the suppressed revolted. You will additionally hear the remarkable facts surrounding the construction of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, that when complete were put to the vote in the 13 Colonies. The defense will attempt to convenience you that these documents were seriously flawed because of the failure to deal with the question of slavery in the 1700s, that all must be ignored and replaced by a menu of the day system of laws. They will attempt to belittle and ridicule anyone who may challenge the menu of the day system as some sort of fool clinging to the words of dead men and the collective democratic action of the people in adopting the documents as the law of the land. The defense will attempt to dazzle you with the brilliance of the very individuals now charged and sitting before you. You will next hear evidence of how a few recognizably named individuals, Marx and Lenin, and others whose names are not as familiar, continued the conspiracy to control the masses, that of course for their own good as determined by an anointed person’s genius. The prosecution will show a comparison between the Colonials’ free, growing, vibrant and prosperous society and that of the retched and miserable enslavement of millions under communism and its eventual total collapse. The prosecution will make the case that the shores of America, being open to immigrants from all corners of the earth, gave rise to the entry of subversives bringing with them the false promises of a communist utopia; of how these subversives played on the poor and uneducated with promises of stew in every pot. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the prosecution will present the step by step development of the conspiracy up to and including this very day you sit here. We will show how communists and some union thug operations infiltrated the labor movement and slum dwellers creating class warfare between the filthy rich and starving poor; how a president, with the consent of congress, during a period of depression, and later a world war, usurped unconstitutional control of government functions. The process was both methodical and relatively easy during times of crisis, some real others manufactured to literally frighten the people into acceptance of the erosion of constitutional rights. The people will show how the tentacles of the conspiracy were wrapped around the global community through the use of foreign aid for reconstruction following the war; how broken and starving people became willing puppets in the drama - remember crisis and never let a good one go to waste - and with millions of tax dollars for the picking how corporations became addicted to being a friend of the politician(s) who doled out the dollars, and the United Nations. Those charged and sitting before you have not only continued the criminal conspiracy but have embellished it beyond recognition including, but not limited to, buying anything any senator or member of the house would auction off, payment normally made by campaign contributions, but sometimes in brown paper bags, to the actual swindle of all American voters in the form of a candidate who is ineligible to put his feet on the desk of his predecessors. Ladies and gentlemen, I know it is late and by now you are tired. So, with the Courts permission, I will continue my opening remarks tomorrow morning with the full evidence for the peoples case that this nation is presently under the illegal executive control of an ineligible person through conspiracy to violate and actual violation the our Constitution, violation of criminal law, perverting the course of justice, vote fraud, bribery, and multiple acts of the abuse of office. I must again caution you not to discuss this case with anyone, draw any conclusions from what you have heard thus far, and do not read the press or listen to the media. Thank you for your kind attention.

Dr. Gerald Stephens -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Gerald Stephens is a former Marine and retired Chiropractic Physician, a member of the NRA and a strong Constitutionalist.