
As GOP Senators Ask Obama Administration Why Repeat Offenders Go Free

Church Shooting Deaths Have Black Woman Calling for Race War as GOP Senators Ask Obama Administration Why Repeat Offenders Go Free

When will the citizens of the United States start demanding that Obama be impeached to end the absolute lawlessness of his Administration and curb the resulting deaths that have become so prevalent? His refusal to take any positive action when tragedies occur lead to more wrong moves when he allows his administrators to un-enforce our valid laws.
Incidents like this, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who chairs the Senate's Judiciary Committee, reports ICE has disclosed that of 33,007 illegal immigrants with criminal records released from government custody in 2013, 1,000 were convicted of additional crimes - and 156 were then re-arrested and re-released a second time instead of getting deported, will continue to appear in our daily news outlets. Never in the history of our once great nation, belittled and weakened of late due to feckless and inefficient leadership, or more precisely, the total absence of 'leadership' has our country been in such a moribund state of inertia. Obama's goals of destroy and destruct this nation and bring it to its knees in mockery to his own position when he faces the grand leaders of Saudi Arabia. Utterly supplicant. His haughty demeanor towards the citizens of this country -- with the possible exception of those with whom he shares a part of his physical makeup and seems now to be more confused when compared to Rachael Dolezal, who isn't sure what race she is and Bruce Jenner, who isn't sure whether to stand up or sit down going to the bathroom -- Obama's feelings make many good citizens cringe at his constant barb and arrow slinging when speaking of America. I firmly believe that Obama is genuinely dedicated to delivering the sovereignty of our good nation to the corrupt and devious United Nations, who haven't drawn favorable ratings from Americans in their existence.
But the position of Obama in regards to his favored American citizens who, along with the unwelcome hordes of illegal aliens that he dotes on at every opportunity and doles on with the tax dollars that are overwhelmingly gained by taxing the working people of the country, give tacit approval to those who are quick to find fault with America. Stemming from the recent tragedy of the shooting of the attendees of a church in South Carolina, an article by Lee Stranahan of Breitbart.com, a black woman named Sista Solove has picked up Obama's message and is now calling for a "race war" to address "black anger." That sounds about as comforting as one of Obama's claims of "togetherness" as in bringing the races together in harmony and peaceful coexistence that he brags so much about to the gullible national press. The only "togetherness" the good "sista" and POTUS want to share with white population of America is to see the 12 to 15 percent of black people in this country in control of ALL of the government, including the nearly 70 percent that comprise the white population. Speaking of "Sista Solove", in Stranahan's column he quotes, "Breitbart Texas editor Brandon Darby drew a heated reaction by asking, "What do you think the chances are that the guy who did this horrible thing was mentally ill?
"Sista Solove, offscreen, immediately responds, "Hell, no. Are all crackers mentally ill? "Darby responds 'What are you saying, 'crackers?' Sista Solove again jumps in and tells Darby, 'Cracka. You're a cracka. Crackas. We #, y'all crackas, it's what it is." "The conversation took place five feet from what President Obama called "sacred space" in a speech on Wednesday. "Sista Solove expresses a theory that several African Americans in Charleston told us: that Roof 'was sent' by white supremacists to do the shooting and to push black people out of town. "He (alleged killer Roof) was sent. He was sent. The KKK ain't nothing but the police with badges now. That's all they are. They took their hoods off and they're police. It was an inside job."

What happens when you call 911 and no one answers?

That sort of discourse will settle few, if any, arguments about anything. It also is prone to lead to more negative actions, such as provocation of police to feel unjustly maligned concerning their duties that require them to deal with unsavory comments and conduct of their antagonists. It also incites those who should be acting to calm matters in a conflagration into making egregious mistakes in judgment, such as the municipal leadership in Baltimore, Maryland, to erroneously chide the police procedures regarding quelling public disturbances. Police are ready to do their duty but when their superior administrators offer no support the morale dips seriously and police are apt to move slowly if at all; and justifiably. What happens when you call 911 and no one answers? Right!

Jerry McConnell -- Bio and Archives

Gerald A. “Jerry” McConnell, 92, of Hampton, died Sunday, February 19, 2017, at the Merrimack Valley Hospice House in Haverhill, Mass., surrounded by his loved ones. He was born May 27, 1924 in Altoona, Pa., the fifth son of the late John E. and Grace (Fletcher) McConnell.

Jerry served ten years with the US Marine Corps and participated in the landing against Japanese Army on Guadalcanal and another ten years with the US Air Force. After moving to Hampton in 1957 he started his community activities serving in many capacities.


He shared 72 years of marriage with his wife Betty P. (Hamilton) McConnell. In addition to his wife, family members include nieces and nephews.


McConnell’s e-book about Guadalcanal, “Our Survival was Open to the Gravest Doubts