
Taxes, Unemployment, Security Briefings, Debt, Deficits

Checklist of Polite Verbal Knock-Out Punches That Would Win the Debates, Polls, Election for Romney

All Romney has to do is set forth the points that his most articulate supporters have made on his behalf, and he is sure to win the debates, the polls, and the election. He can even point to what some of his political opponents have said, and to what Obama himself has said.
In fact, Romney should point out, ideally more than once, that if people want to really hear what Obama said in his own words, about his true values and intentions with respect to -- or with disrespect to -- the country he serves (or disserves), they should see the documentary movie “2016: Obama’s America,” which is the second grossing political documentary of all time, and much more serious and responsible than Fahrenheit 9/11, based on a book by an Ivy-League educated college president. President Clinton, a wordsmith who is as careful as anyone with what comes out of his mouth, defended the man whose camp incidentally once called HIM a racist by saying, on another topic “No president… could have repaired all the damage in just four years.” To anyone who was paying attention, the implication was that many presidents could have repaired at least SOME of the damage, and certainly, many presidents would not have made the economy WORSE in so many ways. Romney should remind his listeners that Obama called Bush “unpatriotic” for allowing the national debt to get where it was, so that by Obama’s own evaluation, he himself is far more unpatriotic for allowing the debt to rise more in one term than it had ever risen in the two terms of any prior president.
Romney should remind his listeners that Obama said he would reduce unemployment and reach various modest economic targets by the end of his first three years, and if he wouldn’t he should be thrown out of office. In this instance, it would indeed be in the interest of the country to do as Obama requested. Most importantly, Romney should explain that when he spoke about the 47% of Americans who aren’t paying taxes, he was thinking faster than he was speaking, and obviously did not mean he didn’t care about 47% of Americans, but he meant to provide the statistic about those who aren’t paying taxes and then to say that he didn’t expect people who are on the dole to vote for him, but of course veterans and people who paid into the system are not what he had in mind by people on the dole. Romney should point out that Obama’s use of statistics was far more self-damning, since Obama said that it’s impossible for somebody who is “on the inside in Washington” to fix the country’s problems, so in effect since Obama is now more on the inside than anyone else in Washington, Obama was conceding that in his opinion, he is 100% ineffective where he is, in power, so he can’t effectively serve 100% of the American people where he is – not merely 47% -- and he should be thrown out. America needs a president who is and who believes he is capable of fixing the country’s problems as president. Romney might remind the American people of Obama’s other past gaffes, such as claiming that Republicans cling to their religion and their guns, as if this is a bad thing – certainly not something Obama can relate to -- while Obama referred to “my Muslim faith” until he was “corrected” by George Stephanopoulos, and announced he would not attend a regular church in Washington “for security reasons” – as if no previous president had such concerns, and as if he was equally afraid to spend almost every waking hour campaigning in every nook and cranny of every battleground state and raising money for his campaign in every smoked-filled room and Hollywood mansion he could find. This is not to mention Biden’s latest gaffe of yesterday, at which time he conceded that the middle class was “buried” during the past four years of Obama’s presidency. Romney should point out his administration will be “shovel ready” to rescue the middle class. Romney should also point out that in many ways, President Obama has indeed been on the outside, having been so busy fund raising and campaigning all over the country outside of Washington that he
  1. missed about 60% of his face-to-face daily security briefings (with dire consequences in Libya and elsewhere),
  2. failed to have a single cabinet meeting from the end of January until mid July of this year,
  3. has not met with his "Jobs Council" (a/k/a Council on Jobs and Competitiveness) since January, but of course had time to sit down for an interview with his gushing sycophants on the View while snubbing every single world leader at the United Nations; and
  4. never took the time or the effort to develop a rapport with the leaders on the other side of the aisle the way Clinton did with Gingrich and the way Reagan did with Tip O’Neill.
No other president took off as much time to raise funds and campaign as Obama. Any employee in the private sector who would take so much time from what he was being paid to do to raise money for himself would have long since been fired. Romney should make the point that Clinton’s presentation at the Democratic Convention really highlighted, however subliminally, how deficient Obama is by comparison, in almost every way (see this author’s article in the Canada Free Press September 7, 2012). Romney should point out that Obama’s blaming Bush for his own failures throughout his presidency is carrying the blame game a bit too far, and blaming the Republicans for intransigence rings just as hollow considering that Obama had a super majority for his first two years as president, and the American people were so disappointed with what he did when he had a super majority that they put an end to that supermajority in the midterm elections. Romney should point out that if Obama couldn’t get the job done in his first four years, and allowed the deficit to inflate by about 5 TRILLION during this time, and allowed many other economic indicators to go down instead of up, it would be lunacy to entrust the government to him for four more years. Romney should remind the American people that every recession has been followed with a stronger rebound than is taking place under Obama, when instead of rebounding, many of the economic indicators point to another recession. Romney should point out that no president was ever reelected with a jobless rate in excess of 8%, and the current jobless rate is as “low” as it is only because almost 8% more people have simply given up on seeking employment, so they are not included in this calculation. Romney should point out the cheap misleading gimmick of the present administration of announcing, with great fanfare, economic figures more impressive than they actually are (even though dismal in absolute terms), and then quietly issuing corrections later on that are invariably even lower. Romney should point out Obama’s cheap gimmick of picking and choosing which companies to support – especially those in swing states – instead of helping out entire industries. Romney should point out which unions and other entities Obama is exempting from Obamacare, including all of Congress whose Democrats voted it in. If it would be so good, why wouldn’t the Democratic members of Congress who voted for it want it for themselves? A liberal who is liberal with other people’s money is consistent in becoming strangely protective of his or her own benefits. Romney must point out that his own personal 14% tax rate that he just disclosed was on investment income since he was making no earned income as a candidate for public office, so the taxes he paid were in ADDITION to the taxes he had previously paid when he had earned income. Romney should point out that Obama’s sparring partner in preparing for the first debate, Senator Kerry, had combined assets with his wife far in excess of the assets of Romney and his wife, yet paid much less in taxes. Romney should point out that his own taxes reveal that he paid a much higher percentage of his income to charity than any other presidential candidate in recent memory. Romney should tick off the new taxes projected for Obama’s future regime, including those that were hidden in “Obamacare.” that will make all Americans sick in the stomach, poorer in the pocketbook, and certainly no healthier – and then list these taxes in full-page ads, in place of generalities. Romney should refer to the bill known as HR 4646, and challenge everyone to Google it and fact check the reality that Obama’s allies are in the process of sneaking into law, after the election, a law that would mandate a tax of 1% on every deposit and every withdrawal from every bank account, including incoming Social Security checks and outgoing withdrawals, so that the rich and poor would have an identical tax rate for such transactions under the DEMOCRATS, while the REPUBLICANS continue to advocate different income tax rates for individuals of different incomes. Romney must point out that raising taxes on the wealthy individuals in the country will only add up to a relatively negligible sum against a national debt in the trillions, compared to building the tax base in the private sector. A calculation was made that taxing rich Americans 100% of their earnings would only add billions into the economy; not the needed trillions, but building the tax base by making it easier for businesses to hire people without stifling regulations and taxes would indeed eventually add the necessary trillions to the treasury and enable the government to gradually pay down the national debt at last. Romney must point out that Obama’s Hope and Change of 2008 has been converted into Fear and Blame. Above all, as this writer pointed out in an article about Obama’s acceptance speech (Canada Free Press, September 9, 2012), Obama’s condemning and blaming people and corporations that are successful, and raising the taxes on the people who already pay most of the country’s taxes, is reminiscent of the person who killed the goose that laid the golden eggs! Those unfamiliar with one of Aesop's most famous fables would do well to listen to a summary of it, because the context explains so perfectly the problem of the Democrats with the often prosperous job creators that the Democrats wish to tax into oblivion – and eventually to the point where they will move out of the country, if they will be able to survive and move at all. The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg. A husband and wife owned a unique goose that would lay a golden egg every day. The wife proposed getting access to all of the eggs inside of the goose without waiting for a new one to emerge each day. So they killed the goose, cut it open, and found no eggs inside of it; they could never lay their eyes on another golden egg. The contemporary application? Tax the prosperous entrepreneurs and corporations excessively, or squeeze an obscene amount of union benefits out of the companies of America in the hope of getting access to as much money as possible as fast as possible, and they will go bankrupt or out of the country, and the 47% of the people of our great country who are not – or who are no longer – paying taxes will never receive another tax dollar or land another job from them again. These 47% have the most to gain by electing a president who will feed the geese that lay the golden eggs, so that the jobs will keep coming for those who need jobs, and the checks will keep coming, for those who served their country and for those who worked all their working lives and now expect to receive what they put into the system.

Aaron I. Reichel, Esq. -- Bio and Archives

Aaron Reichel is a New York attorney whose writings have been widely published and republished, some in the U.S. Congressional Record. His most notable book remains Fahrenheit 9-12 – Rebuttal to Fahrenheit 9/11.