
Trust in the RCMP cannot be rebuilt by covering up the truth!

Charter Rights Violations by RCMP in High River Still Hidden from Public, Legislature, Parliament

Charter Rights Violations by RCMP in High River Still Hidden from Public, Legislature, Parliament Summary of High River Rights Violations Still Hidden Read the PDF here
  • Answer to Alberta Justice Minister Jonathan Denis’ question to his Deputy Ministers: “What legal authority do the police rely upon to forcibly enter private property in the flood stricken area?” Alberta Crown Counsel Paper: ‘’The Local State of Emergency-Mandatory Evacuation Order Police Officer Authorities’’ – Withheld by both Alberta Justice and the RCMP.
  • 2,840 pages of RCMP records of High River legal questions submitted to the Federal Department of Justice and Attorney General – Withheld by the RCMP since requested in November of 2016.
  • All High River ‘legal authorities questions’ asked of the Federal Department of Justice – Withheld by the Federal Department of Justice and Attorney General.
  • Why didn’t the charter didn’t protect High River residents? – 885 pages withheld by the Federal Department of Justice and Attorney General.
  • High River ‘Briefing Note to the Minister’ & ‘Talking Points’ - Withheld by the Federal Department of Justice and Attorney General.
  • What were the ‘hard decisions’ made by the RCMP in High River? On September 5, 2013 Staff Sgt. Ian Shardlow told Danielle Smith’s Town Hall: “What I’m suggesting to you though is that the High River members aren’t the ones that made the hard decisions, whether they’re born out to be correct or not. Rather than leave them in a position where they may have to police the community afterward, right, in an unhealthy environment, every member that comes back to work in High River didn’t work from the 24th of June into a significant period into July. None of them made the hard decisions, none of them opened your doors, kicked your doors, smashed your doors, none of them searched your homes.”

Dennis R. Young -- Bio and Archives

Dennis Young retired to Airdrie, Alberta in 2007 after working for 13 years on Parliament Hill for Garry Breitkreuz, MP for Yorkton-Melville. Dennis is a member of the Calgary RCMP Veterans Association and a Honourary Life Member of both the Canadian Shooting Sports Association and the National Firearms Association. For his 20-year crusade for the rights of firearms owners, Dennis received the NFA’s David A. Tomlinson Memorial Award for 2014 and the CSSA’s John Holdstock Memorial Award for 2014.