
Is it any coincidence that this fake news story about Trump "separating families" hit a fever pitch just days before a vote on DACA amnesty?

Catholic Bishops and the Sheepgate

Catholic Bishops and the Sheepgate
"Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber." -- John 10:1-10
The Archbishop of St. Louis has written a pastoral letter calling on Catholics in his Archdiocese to "resist" the Trump Administration policy of removing at-risk children from their incarcerated parents at the southern border. Archbishop Robert Carlson is calling on Catholics to send letters of protest. Interesting; the Archbishop never called out Catholic Democrats who support abortion, but he is calling out the President for obeying his oath of office to "faithfully execute the laws of the United States".

They will never reform as long as they can dump their unwanted surplus population on the U.S.

The Archbishop appears irony impaired. He states:
"unless governmental policies address these root causes of migration and work to repair our broken immigration system not much will be gained."
All the while seeming oblivious to the fact that Trump is trying to do precisely that, to reform our immigration system. Right now the countries that are the source of the problem are commodifying these children to outsource their problems. They will never reform as long as they can dump their unwanted surplus population on the U.S. If Honduras can make their problem our problem then they no longer have a problem. There is no incentive to reform if you haven't got a problem. Carlson states that "As faithful citizens and members of the Catholic community, we respect the rule of law" yet he calls for a gross violation of the rule of law. Strange. Carlson isn't alone in this, the Archbishop of Denver has issued a similar call as indeed have a plethora of other Catholic Bishops. I suppose Carlson and the rest are upset when the Division of Family Services removes a child from parents who endanger or neglect that child? Isn't that an 'immoral" act by government, separating families? In point of fact, dragging children over two thousand miles across extremely dangerous and unhealthy terrain can well be viewed as child abuse, as an act of wanton disregard for the safety and welfare of the child. We wouldn't think twice about arresting a criminal on the lamb who dragged their kids cross country on foot with little food or shelter, in fact, were the Trump Administration to order that criminal neglect cases be dropped the liberal media and no doubt the Catholic Archdiocese would erupt in fury, but in this case they are angry at the benefactors of these children. Strange. If people want to immigrate to the United States then their first act cannot be a crime. And we cannot criticize the government for temporarily separating children from criminals. OH, and we don't know who these adults are who show up with these kids; they might be sex traffickers or slave labor peddlers.

Our people have been dying, from murder, from drunken driving accidents, etc. at the hands of these so-called "immigrants"

Do not forget, the illegal alien is a thief. He breaks into our house, steals our jobs, our education, our welfare programs, drives down wages, and drives up housing costs. He reaps where he did not first sew. Many are true criminals, too, come here to plunder in a land where the worst punishment is a comfortable jail cell with cable television, air conditioning, and exercise rooms. Our people have been dying, from murder, from drunken driving accidents, etc. at the hands of these so-called "immigrants". So many in the "faith community" of liberal Catholics cite Biblical passages to argue for open borders. They say "Jesus was an illegal alien" in reference to his parents taking him to Egypt to flee Herod. Of course, Palestine and Egypt were both part of the Roman Empire and as such this was more akin to crossing the state line to elude a corrupt local sheriff than illegal immigration. They cite the Beatitudes and "love thy neighbor" but fail to define what loving one's neighbor looks like. Enabling a situation where one's neighbor has to wander the Earth as a vagabond is hardly my idea of what love looks like. The religious arguments are ad-hominem, amorphous polemics. I can give you some concrete examples to the contrary. For instance, the Book of Nehemiah tells the story of a righteous man, a high official in the court of King Cyrus who returns to Israel and rebuilds the walls around Jerusalem. This was considered a righteous act, giving protection to the Jews. I submit to you Nehemiah 2:17
" Then said I unto them, Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach."
By the way, one of the gates Nehemiah built into his wall was the sheep gate mentioned by Jesus above. It should further be pointed out that there was fierce resistance to this wall by many, and Nehemiah had to put armed guards to watch over the wall while the workmen constructed it. Doesn't this sound familiar?
But it came to pass, that when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up, and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth, And conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem, and to hinder it

It is strange how liberals in the Church pick and choose which parts of the Faith to embrace

In the end the wall served a very real and important purpose - to protect the People. God blessed the effort - and Nehemiah - for doing this. Why is it any different in the United States? In fact, walled cities were very common. In those days it was not possible to maintain a large force to guard an entire border (as it is today) so the solution was to wall cities to protect the citizenry and keep out the "illegal immigrants". The Bible never once calls this an evil. Now, had Bishop Carlson been with Nehemiah he would have sided with the Ammonites and Ashdodites and Arabians, and likely would have sent an angry letter to King Cyrus of Persia Carlson appeals to our "Gospel values that speak of compassion and solidarity" but fails to speak to other values, such as obedience to God's designated authority. The Apostle Paul went so far as to command runaway slaves to return to their masters because they were legally bound to them! Here Carlson excuses lawbreaking of a much less morally justifiable nature out of a un-thought out compassion. Obedience to the civil authority is a pretty major aspect of the Gospel message. Jesus obeyed them, going so far as to stop his disciples from fighting the men come to kill Him. It is strange how liberals in the Church pick and choose which parts of the Faith to embrace. It is also strange how Carlson and the other Catholic Bishops have chosen THIS hill to die on. They remain silent about so many other matters of morality, ones that they have a duty to oppose openly. We heard little from them when the Left rammed homosexual marriage down our throats. They remained unusually passive about the Obamacare mandates imposing birth control on Catholic organizations. While paying lip service to opposing abortion they never call out Catholic Democrats who actively work to promote it. While many of them knew about the pedophilia in their own churches there were no whistleblowers. Strange.

Is it any coincidence that this fake news story about Trump "separating families" hit a fever pitch just days before a vote on DACA amnesty?

But then, these Bishops see millions of Catholics south of the border and their mouths water at the thought of all those stuffed collection plates on Sunday. So they have pushed for America to throw open her gates to millions of future donors (and Democrat voters). Is it any coincidence that this fake news story about Trump "separating families" hit a fever pitch just days before a vote on DACA amnesty? Why, it's almost as if someone wanted to frighten Republicans on the fence - and push Trump into signing his own death warrant politically. God created nations. It was He who confused the languages at Babel, and it was He who separated the Jewish People from the many tribes in Canaan. God made the Israelites, and He made the Americans as well. We exist as an unique People with unique customs, traditions, myths, and culture. But in recent years the Progressives have systematically tried to change America, to erase it as an unique nation. We are the second largest Spanish speaking country, for instance, thanks to this endless invasion of our territory by aliens not interested in anything but our money. There are 43.7 million foreign born people in this country - more than all the people in Canada - and that is undoubtedly a low ball figure. How can you maintain a distinct culture that way? You can't and America is going to wind up like all of the multicultural areas - like the Balkans, or the Caucasus, or the Middle East. Good fences make good neighbors, the old saying goes. No fences lead to bloodshed and strife. And an America that is torn apart by strife will be no use to anyone. All of the charitable works we do around the globe will cease. Is that what the American Bishops want? The ultimate end here too is the dissolution of private property. Now, Pope Leo XIII made it quite plain that a God given right to private property is inherent in the human condition in his encyclical Rerum Novarum. But demands for open national borders will inevitably lead to demands for open borders in other areas - such as farmland, or even housing. Is the Catholic Church prepared to open the National Cathedral to Muslim prayer because they demand it? If you have no right to hold a country you have no right to hold property . And that is communism, something condemned by Rerum Novarum and also by Pius XI as well as St. John Paul II encyclical Redemptor Hominis and Leo XIII Quod Apostolici Muneris and almost almost all others in the last hundred and fifty years. See here But it all starts with "this side is yours, that side is mine" - something the American Bishops and even Pope Francis seem to reject. I leave you all with this dark warning from the Word of the Living God:
"Foreigners consume his strength, but he does not notice. Even his hair is streaked with gray, but he does not realize." -- Hosea 7:9

Timothy Birdnow -- Bio and Archives

Timothy Birdnow is a conservative writer and blogger and lives in St. Louis Missouri. His work has appeared in many popular conservative publications including but not limited to The American Thinker, Pajamas Media, Intellectual Conservative and Orthodoxy Today. Tim is a featured contributor to American Daily Reviewand has appeared as a Guest Host on the Heading Right Radio Network. Tim’s website is tbirdnow.mee.nu.