
Canada must learn from Germany’s example in prosecuting perpetrators of hate crimes and bringing them to justice

Canadian Charged with Incitement in Germany after B’nai Brith Complaint

German-Canadian Holocaust denier Alfred Schaefer has been charged with criminal incitement in Germany, after B’nai Brith Canada reported his activities to German officials. Schaefer is the brother of disgraced former Green Party of Canada candidate Monika Schaefer, who was denounced by the party after B’nai Brith exposed her Holocaust denial video in June, 2016. Alfred Schaefer is himself a regular creator of antisemitic YouTube videos, in which he glorifies Adolf Hitler, describes Jewish people as “parasites,” and accuses them of conspiring to eliminate “the European race.” Schaefer most recently addressed a neo-Nazi rally held in the German city of Dresden, and is also linked to suspended University of Lethbridge professor Anthony Hall, a promoter of anti-Israel conspiracy theories.
“Alfred Schaefer is one of Canada’s most prolific Holocaust deniers and promoters of antisemitism,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “We thank the German government and law enforcement for taking action to stop Schaefer’s clear incitement to violence against German and Canadian Jews.” Mostyn added: “Canada must learn from Germany’s example in prosecuting perpetrators of hate crimes and bringing them to justice. In Germany, prosecutors faithfully apply the law to those who promote hate speech against the Jewish community – Canada must follow suit.” For more information contact: Daniel Koren, Media Coordinator daniel.koren@bnaibrith.ca Tevy Pilc, Staff Writer/Researcher tpilc@bnaibrith.ca

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<em>B’nai Brith Canada has been active in Canada since 1875 as the Jewish community’s foremost human rights agency.</a>