
Eddie’s Edge

Canadian and U.S. Politics and elections

It is really ticking me off on how the Hollywood liberazzi are treating American Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. This incredibly courageous woman, a mother of 5 children, is living proof that she is a person of character who refused to abort her handicapped child whom she considers to be perfect. She has an approval rating of over 80 per cent in the largest state in the union, has run the Alaska’s over 20 thousand employees with an even but firm hand and has negotiated pipeline deals that approach the 50 billion dollar mark.
Compare that to the Democratic PRESIDENTIAL candidate Barack Obama who along with having close personal ties with such angelic characters such as Tony Rezko and alleged terrorist William Ayers, doesn't have the experience of running the financial end of squat other than possibly a childhood lemonade stand or a neighborhood craps game. With all the controversy and important happenings going on in the world some Hollywood media outlet (People Magazine) has released the mind boggling, stop-the-press bulletin that singer Clay Aiken is gay! DUH!!!!! Is it only me, but does anyone else out there find that deodorant  commercial where some chick is walking around the city streets , arms in the air, showing off and  sniffing her pits absolutely annoying.  It really is one of the worst cases of bad taste in advertising  along with the cartoon bear with little bits of toilet paper on its butt. Speaking of typecast, according to renowned Shakespearean stage diva and academy award winner Dame Pam Anderson, Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin is just a horrible person and a bad influence on the young women of today. Imagine the nerve of the Alaskan harlot , who other than being a mother of 5, a multi-term mayor and Governer of America's largest state has the nerve to run for national office with never once flashing her nipples for the world to see or releasing an x-rated video of herself in action with her husband of the month. What is this world coming to? Speaking of elections, don't you think that the liberals have chosen the wrong Dion to run for PM. I truly think Celine would garner a hell of a lot more support than the wishy washy Stephane. As much as this makes my hurl meter blast for the stratosphere , I am really starting to believe that Dion's Liberals will be forced to step aside for Jack Layton's NDP party as the official opposition. Like him or not, 'Mr.Chow' has run a strong campaign. Until next time

Edward Zawadzki -- Bio and Archives

It is with a heavy heart that I write tonight that sportscaster, ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki is gone.  Eddie’s sister, Christine called to tell Canada Free Press (CFP) that Eddie died this morning of a massive heart attack, age 55.

Death of sportscaster ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki