
Canada: Whither Goest Thou?

A section in John Mauldin’s weekly eletter, Thoughts From the Front Lines, caught our attention. In particular he showed this chart:
The point here is that manufacturing costs (mostly labour) in Canada are 15% higher than in the US. This means that Canada needs the Loonie at 0.87 to be cost equal. To persuade manufacturing to move north however we need a marginal advantage which might be on the order of 5-10%. This is what unions want of course because the competitive advantage is not achieved by labour cost adjustment and market reform but by currency market adjustment. The real issue to become competitive is to reduce the labour costs. This can be achieved by introducing technology such as robotics or by reducing wage and benefit costs. Unions will fight either approach. Failure to make the adjustments means a continued loss of manufacturing jobs with a corresponding decrease in the collective standard of living. This will continue until living standards have declined to the point where the labour market will adjust internally to a point of competitive advantage again. Of course if this decline is happening broadly in the developed economies, the adjustment may take a long time and become severe. Can you say third world country?

Ian Nunn -- Bio and Archives

Ian is a retired information technologist. While working at Health Canada he completed a BCS degree with highest honours at Carleton University in 1999. In 1998 he took a leave of absence from the federal government and worked as a consultant to Ontario Hydro Nuclear for 15 months in Y2K risk management. He retired from the government in 2000, went on to earn an MCS degree at Carleton, 2002, and subsequently completed the requirements for a PhD except for a dissertation.

Several years of graduate studies have equipped him to do thorough background research and analysis on topics he finds engaging. He is owner of the eclectic blog, The POOG. The acronym “POOG” came from a forgotten source: “pissed-off old guy”. A web search found a more flattering but accurate association: ”The mightiest of all men. He fights ignorant darkness in the name of wisdom, truth, courage, and honor.”

Ian lives in Ottawa.