
This is not the AGENDA of the homosexual movement. It is not equality that they so rabidly pursue. It is domination!

Can Christianity and the Homosexual AGENDA Co-exist?

In the immortal words of Rodney King “can’t we all just get along?” How nice it would be if we could. Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. Can Christianity co-exist with homosexuality? Yes, I believe so. Can Christianity co-exist with the homosexual AGENDA? I vote a resounding NO!
Most of us assume that the homosexual AGENDA wants equality. Like those of the Civil Rights movement, who believed it fell within the government’s authority to guarantee all citizens equal protection of the law, to promote an environment that outlawed racial segregation in schools, at the workplace, by facilities that served the general public, and in voter registration. This is not the AGENDA of the homosexual movement. It is not equality that they so rabidly pursue. It is domination! It is to the exclusion of the dominate voice in this country that inherently judges their lifestyle as immoral and perverse. Let us think about it critically for a moment. Through the corridors of antiquities, both Christian and non-Christian philosophers and historians alike, attest to the historical facts of the Bible. Even our modern day artifacts point to the infallible recordings in the Bible of history past. Most importantly, however, the Bible, itself, forcefully declares its supremacy over all others stating it is the inspired Word of God. For those who subscribe to the Bible’s infallible nature – meaning, it is flawless, contains no errors, and have no need of revisions – cannot co-sign those things that are called according to the Bible “indecent acts”, “shameful lusts”, “unnatural and abnormal relations”, “an abomination”, and a “wicked thing”. Allow me to ask you to decide, if such a targeted group can peacefully co-exist with an ideology that calls them all of the above? Can they? The answer: no, they cannot. No equality can be gained if the above ideology remains a dominate presence. One of the two ideologies (i.e., Christianity or the AGENDA) must become silenced for the other to thrive. For those who believe in such, isn’t that the fundamental premise of Darwinism? Make no mistake about it, homosexuality is a targeted group in the Bible, right along with cheats, drunkards, liars, foul-mouths, extortionists, robbers, and any other habitual sin(1 Corinthians 6:10). A major problem arises when one of these groups collectively starts engaging in political paybacks, intimidating the public into silence, and using the Law to legitimatize their way of life. Of course, there are many religious people among us who have abandon Judeo-Christian beliefs and are pandering a message of “inclusivity” throughout the Body of Christ. Many well-meaning people have fallen prey to the AGENDA because of very real pressures to be “politically correct”, because of their lack of understanding the Word of God, and/or because of the impending political and social doom that results if one should take a firm stand in opposition. Let us look at a real life case study of the AGENDA at work in Canada: In 2004, Canada signed into law hate crime Bill C-250. This law includes the phrase “sexual orientation” in the groups protected against the spread of hate propaganda. At that time, Dr. Janet Epp Buckingham, director of Law & Public Policy of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) stated “without a clear definition of what is criminal hatred, it is ambiguous what public statements will be considered criminal.” Bruce Clemenger, president of EFC said, “While opposing the promotion of hatred against anyone, we are deeply concerned about the chilling effect this legislation may have on the legitimate expression of religious belief.”1 Fast forward to April 20, 2010, a Baptist street preacher, Dale McAlpine, was arrested and charged with causing “harassment, alarm or distress” after a homosexual police officer overheard him reciting a number of “sins” referred to in the Bible, including blasphemy, drunkenness, and same sex relationships.” After being approached by a passer-by and asked if homosexuality was a sin, the pastor then proceeded to explain that he believed it went against the Word of God. A third-party officer overheard this conversation and arrested the pastor. He spent seven hours in jail for sharing his belief – something most of us take for granted . Earlier this year, our own U.S. Rep. Steve King of Iowa, sent a letter to a group of Christian activists and pastors over the Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 – that was signed into law late last year. In it, King states2:
  • “…I believe this ‘Hate Crimes’ Act is unconstitutional and marks an unprecedented move to regulate and criminalize our thoughts.”
  • “Not only will this Act create a class of people that are ‘more equal than others,’ it will hinder your ability to preach the gospel and openly teach biblical principles.”
Either we believe the Truth and the facts that are clearly laid before us or we choose to lay aside Truth and go the way of “feelings”, “opinions”, and “error”. There is no third option. Again, the question at hand is “Can Christianity co-exist side-by-side, in blissful harmony with the Homosexual AGENDA? What say you? As not to leave on a down note, there is hope. It is the hope found in the Gospel message, a message that sets out to redeem the person, but transform the action through the finished works of Jesus Christ. References: 1. LifeSiteNews.com, “Homosexual Hate Crime Signed into Law; Chilling Effect on Free Speech, Religion and Importing Material" 2. World Net Daily, “Congressman backs ‘hate crimes’ lawsuit

Kathy Barnette -- Bio and Archives

Kathy Barnette is a conservative black young mother and wife, with intelligent perspectives and views that are oftentimes controversial in light of mainstream media.  She communicates as an apologetics speaker and writer.  She is an adjunct Professor and her corporate career includes working with two major Wall Street firms.  She served her country for 10 years in the Armed Forces Reserves, where she was accepted into Officer Candidacy School.  Kathy currently sits on the board of a crisis pregnancy center.  Kathy is also the founder of Truth Exchange Ministries.  The purpose behind the roundtable dialogues is to engage minds to think critically about the world around them from a Biblical perspective. TruthExchange