
Oil spill in the Gulf

Calling All Americans!!! Calling All Americans!!!

Living on the Gulf Coast has been a real education for me. I have seen quite a few chemical plant accidents, ice storms, Katrina, and I just went through Ike last year. I could have never dreamed of the compassion and heart of the American people in these cases of disaster. Be human or man-made, just like on September 12, 2001, Americans pull together and work for their family, friends, and fellow citizens time and again.
After Ike had passed but still pouring rain at first light, I went out to survey the damage. To my horror, I see that my across the street neighbors have a huge oak tree all the way through their house. The house was almost totally crushed. They were able to repair it but I would have never bet on it. But for the grace of God go I, and thank God they were not hurt. There on the roof is my next door neighbor, in the rain, trying to get tarps up over the tree so that water is not just pouring into the house. I am digging for more tarps and bungee cords. Others are hunting wrenches to cut the water off so it is not running freely though the house from the broken pipes. The lady a few doors down gets blankets and rounds up the family and puts them in her vacant garage apartment. Oh, by the way, this little lady with the blankets and extra apartment is Hispanic and barley speaks English. This all happened boom, boom, boom. No quicker than we got that house and family taken care of than here come the clean-up brigade consisting of teenagers I did not know, rakes and chainsaws in hand. They went up one side of the street and then the other, picking up more help as they went. Before the day was through, everyone’s yard was clean. My neighbor who would not speak to me for over a year was in my front yard raking. The amount of debris was unbelievable. The pastor down the street with a heart condition could not help with the clean up so he cooked gumbo in his turkey fryer. Was it ever good and there was plenty for everyone. Many had donated from their freezers, now not working. At the end of the day, those with generators ran extension cords for neighbors and we were able to keep all of the freezers frozen for the next few weeks. We took turns waiting in line at the gas pump for fuel to run them. When someone cooked, they cooked a big pot and shared. I ran a gallon of milk across town for a family that needed milk for their baby. When our electricity came back on, my generator went out on loan, for another few weeks to a part of town that had not yet seen the repair crew. While all of this was going on, my church housed and fed 50 to 80 people from a homeless shelter, in the fellowship hall. Our membership is barley 200. I could go on and on with the stories of the generosity and heart of Americans. We are a unique people. Never forget what you are for one minute. It is a blessing from God bestowed upon you, not earned or chosen by you. We Americans just know how to pitch in and get-r-done. I am calling on all of my fellow patriotic friends on the right, to do the right thing, right now. If you are a TeaParty, 912, Band of Mothers, Mommy Patriots, Militia, or any other group leader, call out the troops. I do not care what part of the country you live in. Let’s once again show the world what it is to be American. Let’s put the blame game away for a while. Wear your colors and get out and let’s get the Gulf Coast Clean and the wildlife safe. Find a group and get involved. I have listed a few at the bottom of this post If you are not able to travel, you can start a donation drive for someone to go in your stead. There are many Americans out of work who could go help but they are short on funds. If you live in the area and cannot physically do the work, take some water, granola bars, or peanut butter sandwiches to a group, or set up a coffee station under and umbrella. Take a load of sunscreen and pass it out. Make calls or answer phones for one of the organizations. If you have communication equipment, put it to use. Get creative. Post any ideas here and re-post and tweet this blog. Any great stories you would like to tell? Tell them here too or send them to me at cj_in_tx377@yahoo.com. CALLING ALL AMERICANS!!! CALLING ALL AMERICANS!!! Everyday Wildlife Champions on FaceBook The Audubon Society Mobile Bay National Estuary Program AL Call 251-431-6409 Alabama Coastal Foundation AL Call 251-990-6002

Mobile Baykeeper AL Call 251-433-4229

Save Our Seabirds FL Call 941-388-3010. International Bird Rescue Center mobilized for LA International Bird Rescue Center on FaceBook The Deep Water Horizon response team is looking for help in identifying shoreline and animals affected. Oiled wildlife should not be captured or approached but instead reported at 1-866-557-1401. To report areas with oil ashore or to leave contact information to volunteer in the affected areas, call 1-866-448-5816. Please post any others you know or find. *Note: Tallulah and I will be talking about the oil spill on Fan The Fire with CJ and Tallulah. Show Time: 9:00pm to 1:00am Eastern We will cover how it could have happened, history of oil spills, a bit on the technology, cleanup techniques, the unusual timing of this (significant to the timing of may things happening today), and things you can do to help. Fan the fire with CJ also runs a radio show on Patriot’s Heart Network

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Items of notes and interest from the web.