
Karem, who can't take being put in his place by a woman with her clothes on, is now MSM championed as a hero for coming to the rescue of Fake News Emperor With No Clothes On, CNN

Boo Hoo Baby Brian Karem Just Couldn't Take It Anymore

There's the 'cable guy', the 'Morning guy' and now 'nudie guy', reporter Brian Karem, who's telling the world that he blew up at spokeswoman Sarah Sanders because he "can't take it anymore". Karem, who can't take being put in his place by a woman with her clothes on, is now MSM championed as a hero for coming to the rescue of Fake News Emperor With No Clothes On, CNN. You can't make this stuff up, only the BARE facts.
"For the government to sit there and undermine essentially what [are] very essential checks and balances in the system, it's disheartening, it's unnerving," said reporter Brian Karem, who writes for Playboy, on MSNBC." (Washington Examiner, June 28, 2017) "I can't take it anymore," he said. Don't then. Don't "take it anymore". Move off into oblivion. No one will miss you when you go down in history as the loudest bellowing defender of the lying CNN network. Karem's bellowing has attracted the attention of radio giant Rush Limbaugh and 'Porn Queen' Jenny Jameson, who both want to know how Playboy Magazine got press credentials for access to White House briefing room in the first place. "Well to be honest I'm surprised Playboy is even allowed at the White House," Jameson told Breitbart News. "Since they thought it was a good idea to remove the nudity from their failing publication, I have to say they lost credibility. The fact that they think people actually DO read Playboy for the articles shows they took their finger off the pulse of what people will spend their hard earned money on, a long time ago. Once again, this is a failed attempt by the liberals behind the bunny to drum up a bit of publicity in hopes to make us all care again. Have a seat, Playboy." (Breitbart, June 28, 2017)
"How come nobody's asking how a Playboy contributor has a White House press credential? What the hell is that? What's going on in there that we don't know about? Well, did Playboy get a credential during the Clinton days? And were they in there, you know, everybody reads Playboy for the words, for the stories, for the articles, so what's been going on in there that we don't know about?" (Rush Limbaugh, June 28, 2017) MSM alibi retort to both: 'Because we long ago made the communication world inclusionary. Inclusionary for everybody other than President Donald Trump supporters, that is'. "Playboy infamously pulled nudity out of its magazines in 2016, then reversed course in early 2017 opening it back up. (Breitbart)
"I'll be the first to admit that the way in which the magazine portrayed nudity was dated, but removing it entirely was a mistake," Hugh Hefner's son Cooper Hefner said in early 2017."
Likely annoyingly to Karem DailyWire wrote yesterday:

"Now, it's just embarrassing. When Playboy is standing up for freedom of the press--when little Brian Karem is lecturing the White House about the Constitution--it's time for the briefing to die." "Deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders lit into CNN after getting asked by Breitbart News about the scandal that forced three of CNN's senior most editorial staff to resign in disgrace after the retraction of a blatantly false hit piece on President Donald Trump and his associates. (Breitbart)
"After Sanders lit into the media, Playboy Magazine's White House reporter Brian Karem was the only person in the entire media to spring to the defense of CNN. He jumped up and bashed the White House for calling out the very fake news scandal ripping CNN apart. Karem's lack of courage for journalistic integrity has made him into a semi-celebrity in the media since he pulled this stunt in Tuesday's briefing, as BuzzFeed played him up and even CNN had him on as a guest to promote him on Wednesday morning."
That's how Karem rose in the ranks to the latest 'Star is Born' in the mainstream media world. "Karem, in his latest column for Playboy, waxed poetic for nearly a thousand words about how great he thinks he is for standing up to the meanies in the White House." (Breitbart) Bellowing "I can't take it anymore" is the newest trend in "standing up to the meanies in the White House". Ahem, Karem, the one now identified on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" as "executive editor, Sentinel newspapers", all of your Playboy bunnies are still peeking out.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.