
Airforce One to catch the Theatre

Bonehead Of The Day

And they said President Bush was out of touch…
As President Obama prepares to wing into Manhattan’s theater district on Air Force One to take in a Broadway show, GM is preparing to file bankruptcy and families across America continue to struggle to pay their bills. … Have a great Saturday evening – even if you’re not jetting off somewhere at taxpayer expense. … PUTTING ON A SHOW: Obamas Wing Into The City For An Evening Out While Another Iconic American Company Prepares For Bankruptcy. – RNC Research Piece
Even though we "ain't seen nothin' yet", people are losing jobs by the thousands per day, North Korea is launching middle fingers, once stable businesses are going bankrupt, the dollar is toilet paper, our sons and daughters are in harms way, and the president wants us to know he's going out on a date night. I'm sorry but given the responsibility the job HE wanted demands, Barack Obama is probably the most embarrassingly irresponsible black man on the planet.

Bob Parks -- Bio and Archives

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight