
The arm twisting of states by FEMA for denial of global warming hoax

Blackmail of the highest order

In a stunning display of Federal Government strong arm tactics, FEMA will withhold disaster preparedness dollars from states that do not have hazard-mitigation plans that include plans to address global warming. Essentially, FEMA is twisting the arms of states so they will admit that global warming exists.
It seems like blackmail of the highest order and the hostages are the citizens. If a disaster occurs because states did not receive "mitigation funds" who will bear the responsibility? The Governor for following his beliefs or FEMA for failing to provide funds because someone didn't agree with them? Regardless, the citizens will suffer. I have no problem with a vigorous debate over the causes of global warming. I have a big problem with jeopardizing lives to further an agenda. Shame on FEMA and their boss. Sincerely, Lois Virgo

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