
Tragic loss of Bishop Epiphanius

Bishop of Abu Makkar Monastery in Egypt found dead

Tragic loss of Bishop Epiphanius In the early morning hours of Sunday, July 29, the 63 year old Bishop Epiphanius, head of the Abu Makkar Monastery, was found dead on the ground in a pool of blood. The monks of Abu Makkar discovered the bishop’s body on a path leading to the church with his head smashed. They contacted the pope’s office as well as law enforcement.
No information is known as to persons or motives behind this, but word from the monastery’s monks suggests that the bishop was probably attacked while he headed out from his room toward the church for early morning prayers. He was hit on the head from behind with a heavy metal object. The monastic life is removed from civic life, remote and exclusive. The Abu Makkar Monastery is ancient, and the monastic period in Egypt originated within its premises. Bishop Epiphanius was the monk chosen by Pope Tawadros II in 2013 to lead the monastery. Most targets of Islamic jihad within the Coptic community have been in the lay community although one priest was recently murdered in the Cairo streets and other clergy have died in questionable circumstances throughout the past two years. Monks and monasteries have never been attacked. Bishop Epiphanius’ death signals an escalation of violence against the Coptic community, and the situation is very grave. Voice of the Copts offers its condolences to the Copts of Egypt, the monks of Abu Makkar Monastery, the bishop’s family, Pope Tawadros II and all Copts in the diaspora grieving the tragic loss of Bishop Epiphanius. At the same time Voice of the Copts requests that the Egyptian government take action to protect and secure citizens and to begin by conducting a full investigation into this heinous crime.

Dr. Ashraf Ramelah -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Ashraf Ramelah is founder and president of Voice of the Copts a human right organization with offices in USA and Italy - recently spoke at the first congress of SION in New York City on September 11, 2012.