
Every time you read or hear of some liberal mentioning Tea Party hatred or Tea Party violence, think “liar”

Bertha Lewis’ Lunacy

Performing in its usual anti-American fashion the mainstream media is refusing to report on what is perhaps the most telling revelation by an Obama cohort yet. Bertha Lewis, the current head of ACORN, Obama’s initial path to power and the tool he used to destroy the US economy, gave a speech to the Young Democratic Socialists, an arm of the Democratic Socialists of America.
During her rambling, often incoherent talk Lewis publicly embraced her socialist ideology, declaring: “First of all let me just say any group that says, ‘I’m young, I’m democratic, and I’m a socialist,’ is alright with me.” Borrowing a bit of paranoia from the tinfoil hat crowd Lewis also echoed the same fears that most of the mushy-brained are hesitant to voice, “Right now we are living in a time which is going to dwarf the McCarthy era … It is going to dwarf the internments during World War II. We are right now in a time that is going to dwarf the era of Jim Crow and segregation.” Here is a link to a number of pretty damning videos of the speech, You will note that only Glen Beck and the conservative blogsphere are where this evidence will be found. CBS, MSNBC, CNN and the rest outside of FOX seemingly are completely unaware that Bertha has ripped the lid off of their private conversations.

Racism Bertha Lewis spews

Part of the racism Bertha Lewis spews is because of the legislation Arizona’s Governor signed into law yesterday. The Arizona law would not be necessary if the Federal Government simply fulfilled its mandate by the people and enforced the immigration laws on the books. Simply put, illegal means you broke the law and there is a price to pay for your actions. It is a misdemeanor to cross the border without going through the front door. It is a felony is you do so more than once. The problem with progressives, (translation, socialists) is that they do not want the laws that maintain a self-reliant and prosperous society to be enforced. The only way they can realize their aims is to tear that society down or tear it apart. Witness their reaction to the Arizona law’s passage: As that site's writer says of the posted video, “The media is always writing and talking about the Tea Party violence, yet they never produce any verifiable evidence, just hearsay and rumor. At the same time we have, on film, incident after incident of violence coming from the Progressives. Why don't they report on this with the same sense of moral indignation that they present in the case of rumor and lies about the Tea Party?”

Every time you read or hear of some liberal mentioning Tea Party hatred or Tea Party violence, think “liar”

The media is not answering those questions. Every time you read or hear of some liberal mentioning Tea Party hatred or Tea Party violence, think “liar”. None of it is or ever has been true. The hatred and the violence is and always has been on the left. Mao was a liberal. Stalin was a liberal. Hitler was a liberal. Castro was a liberal. Pol Pot was a liberal, and the list goes on. It wasn’t a Republican President who dropped the atomic bomb, it was a Democrat. In Arizona it wasn’t Tea Party supporters who were throwing bricks, rocks and bottles at the police or attempting to murder a couple of people who had the misfortune to wear pale skin, it was Obama supporters. It isn’t real conservatives who break the majority of our nation’s laws, it is liberals. So why is the mainstream media covering all of this up? I believe it is because they are part and parcel of the push to tear the United States down and replace the remains with their own version of a workers’ paradise. As is typical with all of those who supported the past liberal dictators, they to will be the first in front of the firing squad when the pogroms begin. Right now you are reading and hearing statements from candidates both on the right and on the left claiming to support "real immigration reform". The only reform we need is to have our laws enforced and our border secured. Many of those Republicans claiming to be real conservatives are not. I know, when I wrote an unbreakable immigration reform bill for Nevada, nearly all my GOP caucus brothers fought it because it would be "unfair to business". Do not vote for anyone who disagrees with the Arizona law. Bertha Lewis loves to consider people like this writer to be the enemy, and in some ways she is correct. If I have my way I will do all I can to ensure that her workers’ paradise never comes to pass. The difference between the two of us is, if I remain in power she will continue to have the right to say whatever lunacy she wishes to. If she gets power, I lose my rights and my life.

Bob Beers -- Bio and Archives

Bob L. Beers was a member of the Nevada Assembly representing District 21 in Clark County, Nevada. Prior to his election in 2006, he was an author involved in graphic arts and illustration.

Originally from Eureka, California, Beers attended Arcata High School and Humboldt State College. He currently resides in Henderson, Nevada with his wife and son.