
Corporate Discrimination

Bank of Montreal Should Withdraw Its Attack on Christians

On March 26th, 2014 the Bank of Montreal wrote a letter to the Upper Canada Law Society attacking a Christian University law school for its support of traditional marriage. BMO also co-signed a similar letter to the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. The Nova Scotia Barristers Society then rejected Trinity Western's application.
On January 28th, 2015 the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia declared their actions to be unconstitutional stating "The NSBS resolution and regulation infringe on the freedom of religion of TWU and its students in a way that cannot be justified." On behalf of Christians across the country the President of the Institute for Canadian Values Dr. Charles McVety says "it is sad when a trusted institution such as BMO turns on its own Christian customers who don't deserve this. Now that the Court has spoken we expect BMO to withdraw its attack and not continue their assault on Canadian freedoms." In a related speech in the Senate on January 28th Senator Don Plett questioned BMO's actions stating "We have seen the social bias against Christians have a very real social impact, and sadly now we are seeing legal and financial implications of that bias. The Bank of Montreal wrote a letter to the Federation of Law Societies, which encouraged benchers to vote against accrediting the future law graduates of Trinity Western… The letter cites ‘the core values of Canadians’ as support for this position. I am not sure what makes BMO, as a financial institution, the authority on the core values of Canadians." McVety agrees saying "why is a major bank using its power to attack those who support marriage between a man and a woman? Is this part of their mandate under the Ministry of Finance? For further information go to CorporateDiscrimination.ca or call Dr. McVety at 416-456-0096

Dr. Charles McVety -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Charles McVety is president of Canada Christian College in Toronto, Executive Producer, of film Besieged, Democracy Under Attack besieged.tv, and Word.ca

Facebook: McVety Report