
Our objective is to help more Americans escape poverty by promoting work, marriage, civil society, and welfare-spending restraints

Are We Helping Poor Americans?

At the end of the year, many people take time to make charitable donations. But caring for those in need is a year-round responsibility—and when it comes to public policy, conservatives have an important opportunity to articulate an effective response to poverty and social breakdown in America.
A half-century into the War on Poverty, liberals can hardly declare victory. But they can claim the dominant anti-poverty narrative: Fight poverty by spending more, by starting another federal program. Americans seldom look to conservatives for policy answers to the problems of poverty. More...

Heritage Foundation Jennifer Marshall -- Bio and Archives

The Heritage Foundation is the nation’s most broadly supported public policy research institute, with more than 453,000 individual, foundation and corporate donors. Heritage, founded in February 1973,  mission is
to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.