
City of Seattle's ban on firearms in city parks

Appeals court upholds SAF victory in lawsuit vs. Seattle Parks Gun Ban

BELLEVUE, WA - The Washington State Court of Appeals for Division 1 today unanimously upheld a 2010 King County Superior Court ruling against the City of Seattle's ban on firearms in city parks in a lawsuit originally brought by the Second Amendment Foundation, other gun rights groups and five individual plaintiffs.
SAF Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said he had always been confident that the Appeals Court would rule "in favor of the law and against the attempt by Seattle to dance around it." "We told former Mayor Greg Nickels he was wrong," Gottlieb said, "and we have reminded the city under Mayor Mike McGinn that it was wrong, and now the Appeals Court has confirmed our position." SAF was joined in the lawsuit by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the National Rifle Association and Washington Arms Collectors.
Writing for the Court, Presiding Chief Judge Ann Schindler noted, "We hold that under the plain language of RCW 9.41.290 and RCW 9.41.300, the city's attempt to regulate the possession of firearms at designated park areas and park facilities open to the public by adopting the Firearms Rule is preempted by state law." "This is not only a victory for the citizens of Washington State," he said, "but also for the State Legislature, which had the wisdom in 1983 and 1985 to pass and strengthen our preemption statute. This law has become the model for other state statutes across the country. "The ruling is also an affirmation of Judge Catherine Shaffer's original trial court ruling last year," he continued. "She had the foresight to include observations about our state constitutional right to bear arms but also the Second Amendment. "Now that the Second Amendment has been incorporated to the states through our victory in McDonald v. City of Chicago," Gottlieb concluded, "it is going to be impossible for anti-gun politicians in the Evergreen State to defy our preemption statute and our constitutional rights. Such local rules and ordinances are illegal, and now they know it for sure."

Second Amendment Foundation -- Bio and Archives

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms.

To that end, we carry on many educational and legal action programs designed to better inform the public about the gun control debate.