
Obama and his crew actually want the authority to be able to liquidate large financial companies

Another Financial Crisis Looms?

Obama and his crew actually want the authority to be able to liquidate large financial companies to avoid a supposed meltdown.
Obama was quoted as saying: “Every day we don’t act, the same system that led to bailouts remains in place, with the exact same loopholes and the exact same liabilities, and, if we don’t change what led to the crisis, we’ll doom ourselves to repeat it, and opposing my reforms will leave taxpayers on the hook if a crisis like this ever happens again.” He also wants to set up a council to supposedly detect threats to the financial system, as well as a consumer protection agency to POLICE people’s dealings with financial institutions. Nice going, first you create a phony crisis, then, tell people that you need this or that power in order to solve the non-existent problem. You would do Machiavelli proud, and Saul Alinsky is probably smiling from ear to ear wherever he is. Republicans contend that a provision creating a $50 billion dollar fund for dismantling banks considered “too big to fail” would only continue government bailouts. Obama criticized financial industry interests for opposing the proposed regulations and was quoted as saying: “One way or another, we will move forward, this issue is too important.” House minority whip Eric Cantor of Virginia took the opportunity during the weekly Republican address to criticize government spending and exploding deficits that are driving taxes much higher. Cantor said: “Obama has enacted 25 tax increases passed by the Democratic-controlled Congress that will cost families and small businesses upwards of $670 Billion dollars over the next decade, and portends a very bleak outlook for our children and grandchildren.” Mr. Cantor went on to say: “You have to take action so that we can begin to erase our deficits and free our children from our debt, and rather than putting the squeeze on our nation’s job creators and entrepreneurs, we believe in a pro-growth strategy to create jobs and empower the American entrepreneur and small business people to thrive.” We have to get rid of this JACKASS and his whole crew, they are bankrupting this country. Obama is fond of saying we must act quickly, we need to get this done now, he is right we do need to act quickly and get this done now, WE NEED TO IMPEACH THIS USURPER WHILE WE STILL HAVE A COUNTRY LEFT!!!

Aaron Cantor -- Bio and Archives

<em>Las Vegas based Aaron is retired from the U.S. Military. His favourite weapons now are:  a spatula, a 1 iron, or a corkscrew. </a>