

Another Election leads to more Controversy

There has been another controversial election in Africa. The circumstances are very unique. A southern African country was having an election for the first time in almost two decades. So what would happen?
by Scott A Morgan After the end of the long liberation struggle against Portugal and the civil war that drew in both South Africa and Cuba a peace accord was signed, a multi-party democracy came into being. Even though the ruling MPLA has had a long run ruling the country these elections were seen as crucial for the country. But not having any form of elections since 1992 has led to several problems in the country. There have been reports of massive delays that even occured in the capital of Luanda. It was then announced that the elections would continue the next day. The political opposition has also stated that the ruling party has had a stranglehold on the state sanctioned media outlets. There are ample reason for concern by the United States. Earlier this year Angola overtook Nigeria as the largest supplier of Petroleum to the US From Africa. Also Angola has had close ties with Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and can be seen by some people in the light of "if Angola can hold free and fair elections then why can't Zimbabwe." Security planners in the US will also keep an eye on these elections as well. Lying at the lower point of the Gulf of Guinea, a region where there are oil, drug traffickers and insurgents in plain view could make this election more important in Washington than they are in the rest of the region. And events in Zimbabwe do not help regional stability anyway. We have to remember that these are parliamentary elections. So these elections will determine who the lawmakers are. There is a viable option that the ruling MPLA will win to keep a "good thing going." Some oppositon parties have called for a re-running of these elections. It doesn't appear that a regression back into civil war is likely but a new parliament is a good thing for Angola. The author publishes Confused Eagle on the Internet. It can be found at morganrights.tripod.com

Scott Morgan -- Bio and Archives

Scott Morgan publishes Confused Eagle on the Internet. It can be found at morganrights.tripod.com