
What are the true motives of the Alabama Church leaders for challenging Alabama HB56 “the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act”?

An Open letter to Alabama Church Leaders

An Open letter to: Rt. Rev. Henry N. Parsley Jr., bishop of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Alabama; Rev. William H. Willimon, bishop of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church; Most Rev. Thomas J. Rodi, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Mobile; Most Rev. Robert J. Baker, Roman Catholic Bishop of Birmingham. Re: What are the true motives of the Alabama Church leaders for challenging Alabama HB56 “the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act”?
Your Grace (Father); I was and continue to be deeply troubled after reading an article in “The Western Australian” regarding lawsuits being launched over the recent Alabama attempt to enforce and crack down on the wholesale acts of rampant federal immigration abuses and crimes by tracking down offenders within the borders of Alabama. When I first read of these lawsuits, I initially thought they were motivated and organized by the ACLU (Anti Christian/Constitution Lawyers Union) pun intended and was appalled to discover that this foray into the courts was instigated by Men of the Cloth. I must preface my condemnation of your actions by stating that I am not an American Citizen, but live and work in the USA legally via prescribed processes under NAFTA Appendix 1603.D.1. Every year I must leave the USA (usually for Toronto, Ontario Canada) and petition for another one year work visa as an engineer. Customs and Border Protection officers have always been professional and respectful in their dealings with me and truly lived up to the moniker “The Face of America”. One time when there was a glaring error in one of my pieces of documentation, the officer in question suggested the quickest method of rectifying the error and arranged it such that my place in the queue was preserved while I had the correct information faxed to the airlines fax machine.
One of the keystones of working in or acquiring the citizenship of any country must be an underlying respect, acknowledgement and strict adherence to that country’s laws and customs. I have legally and lawfully worked in many countries worldwide whose national religions varied from the Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Atheistic varieties to name a few. I question the true motives behind your couched arguments regarding your parishioners Christian duties and rights being violated by this Alabama Statute should they provide succor to an illegal alien. These illegal aliens were not innocent souls who wandered in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights until they accidentally crossed an international border to a place where they must fear for their lives under some totalitarian regime. Nor are your parishioners latter day Oskar Schindler’s hiding legal citizens or residents whose lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness is threatened by a ruthless regime bent on their unlawful persecution and extermination based on their ethnic origin. While you may be suffering from delusions of grandeur and desirous of creating a new underground railroad; it must be recognized that the illegal aliens you are indirectly bent on protecting meet none of the former criteria and owe their illegal status inside the United States of America to their continued failure to adhere to or respect the current laws. Their growing illegal presence has been aided and abetted via bureaucratic and politically motivated lack of enforcement of the current federal statutes at a federal level. HB56 is merely an Alabama initiative to curb the former continued transgressions inside the sovereign state of Alabama thus protecting the rights of lawful Alabama residents many of whom are members of your respective flocks. It was not an accidental oversight that these illegal aliens crossed the border either by themselves or by paying “coyotes” (organized criminal enterprises) to guide them; they did so with malice of forethought. Nor was it accidental that others overstayed their Visas or ignored deportation orders. These all represent a continued unrepentant disrespect for the rule of law, the lawful immigration process and these illegal aliens continue to break at least two (seven and eight) of the ten commandments on a daily basis; they live their lives as a series of daily lies and deceptions which additionally include and are not limited to:
  1. Obtaining Driver Licenses under false pretenses or driving illegally often without insurance.
  2. Working for cash under the table and not paying Federal or State income taxes.
  3. Abusing emergency room hospital resources for minor ailments.
  4. Collecting all manner of social and educational benefits paid for by lawful citizens and residents that are meant for other lawful residents/citizens, while not paying taxes and sending increasing sums of money back south of the border.
  5. Stealing work from citizens.
When the NYPD got serious about cracking down on the rampant violent crime in the Subway system they chose a “Zero Tolerance” policy cracking down in those who evaded the initial fare. Many criminals were caught in the process and violent crimes plummeted; the theory that willful disregard for minor offences (refusing to pay for your ride or go through the legal immigration process) underpinned a general disregard for all laws lending credence to the ancient Latin Legal Maxim “falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus” It is not surprising that 21 percent of the population of U.S. prisons is classified as “noncitizens” from Mexico, Colombia, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. About 5 percent is listed as “unknown.” While there is the law of unintended consequences of your actions, I would prefer to liken them to a kingdom being lost for the want of a horseshoe nail; as actions like yours send strong messages to the illegal alien community inside and outside the country that somehow the law is unjust and must be challenged and that church organizations like yours are tacitly condoning illegal immigration activity that thumbs its nose at the enforcement of current immigration laws. (As a side note, I don’t see either of your churches challenging the brutal and draconian enforcement of immigration laws in Mexico against those from south of their border.) This sympathetic attitude emboldens those still outside the USA to put further pressure on the borders and come here in increasing numbers outside the lawful process:
  • It increases the profit of the criminal gangs who parasitically prey on those who dream of a better life in the USA.
  • It will increase the number of woman and teenage girls who are raped by these criminal gangs during the journey here.
  • It will increase the flow of illegal drugs into the USA as more of these illegal aliens are conned into being drug mules as part of the payment for their transit across the border.
  • It provides safety in numbers for criminal gangs and terrorists who wish to enter the USA under the guise of being “an undocumented worker” (in the politically correct “News Speak” of the mainstream propaganda outlets) further increasing the violent crime rate in the USA.
  • It puts border agents and citizens who live near the border at increased risk due to the increase in traffic and more families will grieve over lost family members.
  • It also increases the possibility that the Mexican drug war violence which has claimed over 35,000 lives in the past 4 years will increasingly spill northward over the border.
While you claim your actions are to protect your flock from HB56, I would suggest the opposite is true. Should you wish to validate your disapproval for the enforcement of current laws increase illegal border crossings; just you ask yourself the following questions:
  • How many more of your flock will develop drug related problems as the supply increases?
  • How many more of your flock will loose their homes due to lack of work because the increasing number of illegal aliens are suppressing wages and working under the table?
  • How many of your flocks children will be infected by a contagious disease from an illegal alien who has not gone through the proper screening and inoculation process?
  • How many of your flock are and will increasingly suffer financially or medically because of the strains on social and medical services caused by an illegal population that increasingly abuses a system that they have not paid for?
  • How many of your flock can no longer afford a college education because they are unable to find enough work in areas of traditional summer employment such at lawncare/landscaping or painting due to the dominance of illegal aliens working under the table for very low wages?
  • How many of your local businesses and community economies are suffering because money that traditionally would have stayed in the communities now ends up in Mexico as its third largest revenue stream?
  • How many of your flock will be affected by criminal activity spawned by the criminal element of this population segment with a rampant disregard for the legal immigration process?
Since I am not privy to your true motives in challenging HB56, I can only surmise that Dr Bella Dodd erred or was not fully informed when she reported in her book ‘School of Darkness’ “ quote "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the (Catholic) Church from within." Perhaps unbeknownst to Dr Dodd, other churches were similarly infiltrated. I suggest this because your attack on HB56 appears to be but another element of an Alinskian plan to flood the US with illegal aliens from south of the border who show little concern or respect for the laws or constitution such that a dictatorial federal government can do an end run around the inalienable rights that have been endowed upon all by their creator. Perhaps you have so disenfranchised and lost so many of your traditional congregation that you are desirous of getting a new and growing flock? Regardless, your action cheapens the immigration process and denigrates those who follow the full legal process. To quote Thomas Paine “What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value” Perhaps you should put your Bible aside for just a moment and (re)read the Constitution, paying specific reference to Article III, Section 3. Unless I am mistaken, this is still one nation under God and to quote Alexander Hamilton, when people asked him about the Constitution, he said: "For my part, I sincerely esteem it a system which, without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests." “Qui molitur insidias in patriam, id facit quod insanusnauta perforans navem in qua vehitur. He who betrays his country, is like the insane sailor who bores a hole in the ship which carries him. 3 Co. Inst. 36.” ‘Maxims of Law from Bouvier's Dictionary of Law, by John Bouvier, 1856’ I would further suggest that your actions in litigiously assaulting HB56 are in essence assaulting the rule of law plus the very Judeo-Christian principles upon which this country and divinely inspired (according to the documents creators) Constitution is based. Yours Truly Desmond McGrath

J Desmond McGrath -- Bio and Archives

J Desmond McGrath is a Canadian Engineer (BSc Petroleum Engineering-Honors Montana Tech) who has been living and working in Louisiana since 2002.