
Peaceful resolution of differences at the ballot box is one of America's greatest blessings and should be respected and embraced as such by all!

America's Ability to Resolve Differences Through Ballot Box, Rather Than Bullets, Is Precious!

Months following the November 8, 2016 elections, the intense rage and disappointment of voters, especially those who backed Hillary Clinton, have failed to soften in some quarters. President Donald Trump has been targeted by some unreasonable Clinton supporters who cannot, or will not, graciously accept the fact that Mr. Trump won the election, fair and square, and should be supported by all Americans regardless of political party or ideological affiliation. Bereaved Clinton supporters continue to be adamant in their scorn and hatred for Mr. Trump. Such hatred has caused dangerous acts of violence which threaten the peace and security of all citizens.
Conservative radio host Michael Savage of San Francisco was the victim of a brutal attack recently, all because Savage has been an outspoken and ardent supporter of Trump,both in the pre-election period and during Trump's short time in office. Many people disagree vehenently with Trump and his surrogates like Savage. However, disagreeing with a person's political bent is hardly justification for physically attacking anyone. After all, this is America, not some 3rd world failed society where rule of law is countered by widespread corruption and crime! In America, Trump has every right to express his views without being subjected to threats to his life or person. The same is true for Michael Savage and his radio program.
The oddity in all this is that the most vocal in their rage against Trump and Savage are often the same who preach “tolerance” to everyone else! As Americans we should all take enormous pride in our country where differences can be resolved peacefully, unlike other nations where the sword and dagger are used to settle differences. Differences of opinion will always exist, however, Peaceful resolution of differences at the ballot box is one of America's greatest blessings and should be respected and embraced as such by all!

John Lillpop -- Bio and Archives

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. For years, John lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, the very liberal sanctuary city which protects, rather than prosecutes, certain favored criminals.  John escaped the Bay Area in May and now lives in Pine Grove California where conservative values are still in vogue.

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