
Some say America has died. I say she still lives and breathes, although very ill

America can still come back

Okay, I have to admit I was bummed out yesterday. Barack Obama has won another four years in the White House, which means we’ll have four more years of the same arrogance, elitism, and incompetence as we had during the last four years. The man is all out of ideas. The rhetoric he spewed during the 2012 campaign was almost identical to his 2008 campaign, so we have no reason to believe he’ll behave any differently.
Just like in 2008, he says he wants to work with those on the other side of the aisle. We know that claim is bogus because we’ve heard it all before. He says he’s going to work to reduce the deficit. That’s also untrue. During his first four years in office, he doubled the previous deficit and now projects another $5 trillion in debt. He says he’ll bring the unemployment rate down and create another 3 million new jobs. We know that won’t happen either. Obamare care will cost employers too much money to expand their businesses and hire new workers. Obama has never run a private enterprise as small as a lemonade stand, and he’s attempting to run what used to be the largest economy in the world. Under his watch, The World Economic Forum reports that the American economy has slipped to seventh place in the world. In another four years, we’ll probably be lucky to be among the top 20. Part of this comes from his lack of knowledge of how the private sector operates. The other part comes from his total dedication to the socialist ideology that has failed time and time again throughout the world.
So why did he win the election? He won because he portrayed himself as Santa Claus, the fount of all bounty, the rescuer of the poor and downtrodden so ill-abused by the evil rich. He ran a campaign based on class warfare in the interest of “fairness.” His idea of fairness is taking from the producers and giving to those with their hands out through big government programs—his base. They voted for him to keep their free cell phones and other benefits they regularly collect from Uncle Sam via Santa Claus. According to an article by Damian Paletta and John D. McKinnon for the Wall Street Journal, nearly 50 percent of all Americans receive some sort of government assistance. Such a number makes me wonder if perhaps we have an epidemic of illness and injury, and indeed we have. The disease is called “Government Dependence Syndrome.” Granted, some people cannot work because of mental or physical problems, and we need to take care of these people, but I don’t think half our population suffers to the point of not being able to work and support themselves. But this is the base the democrats cater to. This is the base they wish to ostensible serve while stand holding them captive to government goodies. This is the base they treat like children instead of adults. No wonder they still believe in Santa Claus. Like Dick Morris, we should all watch carefully as Obama pushes forward with his socialist agenda and increase dependency with ever more fervor and stop him. Get involved. Protect your life, liberty, and property. Protect the future of your children and grandchildren. Know who your representatives are in Congress and tell them how you want them to vote. Some say America has died. I say she still lives and breathes, although very ill. Maybe I’m too optimistic, but I believe that as long as some Americans still love freedom and all this country stands for, as clearly the popular vote shows; as long as some Americans still understand what this country is all about, we still have a chance to revive her, but we must stand together.

Joan R. Neubauer -- Bio and Archives

Joan R. Neubauer, is an author, public speaker, and works as the Public Liaison Officer for the Davis Mountains Trans-Pecos Heritage Associationin Alpine, Texas.